Is Using Technology Cheating? & Flow States? | Practitioner’s Weekly Coaching Call – March 22, 2017

  John explores flow states, Stealing Fire, answers questions about long-term PMP3 use, is it cheating, etc. Click to Play or Download Audio Themes from this call: Flow States Practice Doug Prater Joins the call Is it cheating? How do you use iAwake tracks at work? ______________________________________________________ Questions/Comments I spent over a decade doing dozens…

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What is your super power? iAwake Call 2.22.17

This week John discusses: Integral Recovery Cleaning up – waking up – growing up – showing up What is your Super power: Practice Many questions & comments Download the audio Questions/Comments: 20:06 – What is your experience of excavating deep fears in epsilon as contrasted by trauma in deep delta? 29:44 – Do you ever…

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The Mind Mirror: Watch Your Mind Awaken During Meditation

Excerpted from an interview of John Dupuy of iAwake Technologies by Judith Pennington of the Institute for the Awakened Mind (IAM), an international consortium of certified awakened mind trainers using EEG-monitored meditation to expand human consciousness. As most of you know, iAwake produces innovative sound-based tools that facilitate immersion in deep meditation, as well as…

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iAwake, Consciousness Hacking, and the Future of Transformative Technologies

Excerpted from a conversation about transformative technologies and practices and their individual and cultural effects, with sociologist Harley Bergroth, currently researching his PhD at the University of Turku, Finland, and iAwake’s CTO and sound energy artist, Javi Otero, creator of Fractal Entrainment, a method of using sound energy to resonate the whole body. Harley:          …

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How to Awaken Your Innate Vitality, Exuberance, and Grace

Javi:         Welcome, everybody! Joseph Kao is here with us today to talk about Profound Renewal. I’m really happy to be doing this interview, because I was also lucky enough to interview Joseph when he released his previous product, Profound Releasing. First I’m going to read a little from Profound Renewal’s product page:  Profound Renewal:…

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Fractal Entrainment: A New Psychoacoustic Technology Inspired by Nature

Biomimicry “Doing it nature’s way has the potential to change the way we grow food, make materials, harness energy, heal ourselves, store information, and conduct business.”— Janine Benyus The Biomimicry Institute defines biomimicry as the art and science of seeking sustainable innovation by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies. It’s a new approach to product…

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Where Meditation and Working Out Meet: Workout Ecstasy!

John:  I have a very special guest today: Nadja Lind from Berlin, Germany, creator of Workout Ecstasy, iAwake’s latest product. I’ve known Nadja for a long time. I visited her in Berlin three times, maybe more, and always had a great time. Whenever we get together, it centers around meditation and working out. In other…

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Meet our brilliant team of brainwave entrainment artists

Here is a very interesting and inspiring video of a dialogue John Dupuy had with our remarkable iAwake creators: Javi Otero, Leigh Spusta, Joseph Kao, and Nadja Lind. It was recorded by Spirit Tech Media as part of the Spiritual Technologies 2.0 free online summit in February 2016. Just click on the image above to watch the…

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Introducing Spiritual Technologies 2.0

  Spiritual Technologies 2.0 Online Summit (Free) We are finally launching. Has been a labor of love, interviewing and editing material from the pioneers in the transformational tech sphere. These interviews are amazing. On top of that, we’ll be hosting a morning meditation each day of the summit on Todd Jason’s Amplifield in a dedicated…

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What is Emotional Releasing and How Can I Let Go?

 Javi:   Today we are lucky to have with us Joseph Kao, the creator of iAwake’s latest release Profound Releasing. As it says in the description, “It’s a multi-layered, guided meditation with advanced brainwave entrainment technology, designed to help you let go of old, rigid emotional patterns and rediscover your natural spontaneity, energy, and vitality ……

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How You Can Entrain Your Brain & Your Body to Deep Delta States

Learn how you can naturally entrain your brain and your body to deep delta states by listening to psychoacoustic music in this interview with Leigh Spusta, one of iAwake’s new producers. iAwake CEO John Dupuy and Leigh discuss the benefits of “natural entrainment,” deep delta — which can bring you into profound states of relaxation, bliss, and joy,…

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How Do You Know if You’re Enlightened?

Well, I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. (Laughs) How do you know if you’re enlightened…? Well, first of all, you have to come up with a definition of what that means—to be enlightened. It’s a great question, by the way, and I think it’s a question that we all have…

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