The Illusion of Obstacles

Coherence is a peak state, characterized by the harmonious functioning of our mental, emotional, and physical systems. When measured, it tends to show balanced biomarkers, especially those related to heart rhythms, as suggested by the fascinating work being done at HeartMath Institute. When experienced, coherence often feels like an effortless-and-filled-with-joy-can-do attitude, during which we might…

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The Way of Gratitude – Part 1 of 3

I like to think about meditation as the art of being present. Being present is something that is quite difficult sometimes, mainly because the mind tends to wander and take us on unexpected trips to either the future or the past. It is often busy producing thoughts that might create anxiety in us, or fear,…

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Brain Entrainment, Meditation, and… Tennis?

There are two kinds of religions: old-fashioned religion and what is now the emerging religion. Old-fashioned religion is a religion that involves a set of beliefs, or dogmas, that you buy into in order to be saved and in order to be part of the “inner group.” The new kind of religion that is emerging is…

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A Profound Meditation Practitioner On Practice, Zen, and More

John:  Today we’re having something very cool: a dialogue with Profound Meditation practitioner Alexander Leuthold, who is calling from Germany. Alexander, would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, how you use the Profound Meditation Program, and how that experience has been? Alexander: John, I remember we met in Bremen, in Germany. You gave a…

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Q and A w/ Eric: Part 2 – Am I Cheating When I Use Technology to Assist My Spiritual Growth

This is the second video of a new series in which Eric Thompson, Chief Technical Officer and Creator of the iAwake Technology, answers questions he receives from iAwake practitioners. Here Eric is exploring inner meditation technologies versus outer meditation technologies, such as the Profound Meditation Program. What do you think about Eric’s response? Do…

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Getting into the Zone with Eric Thompson and Shawn Phillips

Eric: There’s a Canadian trainer by the name of Thomas Hawes who has developed a concept he calls zone minutes; he has found among the athletes he has worked with, that the more minutes they accrue of being in the zone—of being in that place where they’re totally relaxed and totally connected to everything that’s happening around…

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Emptiness and Fullness by Bill Epperly

There are two essential capacities for awakening: emptiness and fullness. What I mean by emptiness is access to radical emptiness—abiding in the place where self can seemingly dissolve to nothing, where we are in the presence of nothing, and yet have the felt sense of tremendous presence that is pure potential. I want to contrast that with…

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The Digital Pills ~ Wake, Sleep, Recharge, Relax – Effortlessly

Alternative Health PsychoAcoustics for Waking, Sleeping, Recharging, Relaxing… Listen to Eric Thompson, Chief Technical Officer of iAwake Technologies, and Bruce Austin, CEO of BAPI, Inc. discuss The Digital Pills, a collaboration between iAwake Technologies, LLC & BAPI, Inc. The Digital Pills is a powerful audio technology designed to support you day & night with no side effects, feeling…

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Art from the Edge of Everything: Painting as Spiritual Practice

Louis Parsons’ art SoulScapes was recently featured in the Integral Art Gallery – December 2012. ___________________________________________________________________________ Louis Parsons, Artist, iAwake Guest Blogger I’ve been painting professionally, in a very particular way that has become known as “SoulScaping,” for over ten years. During this time, painting has been my major spiritual practice. You see, to be honest, I’m not that good at meditating. I have a very…

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Getting Started with the Profound Meditation Program

Have you recently bought the Profound Meditation Program 3.0 and want some guidance on how to get started and use it effectively? Here is a slideshow that goes over the basics: Getting Started with Profound Meditation from Pam Dupuy, LMFT (NOTE: To see it full screen click the 4 arrows pointing outward on the lower right.) To get started: Begin…

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Sharpen Your Swords

Recently, my wife Pam and I were at a conference focused on where contemplative wisdom and technology intersect. It was a very interesting, extraordinary experience. One of the remarkable things that went on was hearing from a number of MIT-, Harvard-, and Brown University-trained neuroscientists talk about meditation and neuroscience. As I listened, it became…

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