Meditate Like a Rock: The Way to Spiritual Maturity

I was meditating the other day and thinking about the four noble truths of Buddhism: 1) Life is suffering. 2) We suffer because we’re attached. 3) The cessation of suffering is attainable. 4) The way out of the suffering, the path, includes practice. I went over this in my heart, in my mind, in my experience,…

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Shamanic Journey Meditations: Making the Most of Your Vision Quest

For all of you who might be interested in undertaking a Vision Quest, I would like to share with you some powerful shamanic journey meditations. They work on the principle of direct revelation. These meditations are helpful to make your experience very rewarding, whether you are going on a traditional Vision Quest, at a sacred…

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Relationships, Pain, and Finding Our Deepest Selves

Famous American psychiatrist and author William Glasser says that how we negotiate and take care of the handful of extremely important relationships we will have in our lives, in a large way determines whether we’re happy or not. Our relationships with our parents, our wives, our husbands, our children, our best friends, our mentors, our pets, are…

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A Powerful Meditation Practice Can Improve Everything That Matters

In the Hindu tradition, they talk about how siddhis emerge after one begins a process of deep meditation and awakening. Siddhis are special abilities and capacities, the equivalent of charisms or “gifts of the Spirit” in the Christian sense. In the Letters of Paul, in the New Testament, he talks about how different gifts of the Spirit were emerging in…

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A Dedicated Daily Meditation Practice Makes All the Difference

I think that enlightenment is a process—not one where somebody flicks on a light bulb and then you’re enlightened forever, and you’re perfect, and you speak all languages—no. It’s not like that. But it is a process, and when we engage in a daily meditation practice, perhaps that is the most enlightened choice that we can make…

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The Neuroscience of Shadow Integration – Part II

Last week we defined the shadow, according to Carl Jung, and discussed how to recognize the shadow when it’s trying to get our attention. (See The Neuroscience of Shadow Integration Part I.) Today I’d like to talk about the possible neural correlates of the persona and the shadow. First, I’d like to point out that none of this…

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Technological Grace: Just When We Needed You Most

While I was meditating today, I was thinking about all the breakthroughs people are having doing this practice of using brain entrainment and biofield technology while meditating. If you could sit where I sit, hear, and read all of the testimonials from people that are using the iAwake technology—from our beta testers, from the students…

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The Neuroscience of Shadow Integration – Part I

My hope is that this article will inspire you to use the power of your own consciousness to become aware of your shadow, to allow it to be your teacher, and to integrate it. As we become more deeply and mindfully centered in our hearts, the recognition and integration of previously unconscious shadow processes changes our…

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How to Stay Grounded When Your Third Eye Awakens

An iAwake Techonologies practitioner wrote in recently, saying that after listening to VisionQuest, he felt “a low pressure” in his third eye area for two to three days afterwards. He wondered if anyone else was having a similar experience and what the pressure might signify. This is a common report we hear from people who use…

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Understanding the Effects of Biofield Technology on Our Meditation Practice

Biofield technology is an important aspect of what the Profound Meditation Program 3.0 offers, complemented by its uniquely powerful brainwave entrainment technology. Last week, I described how PMP 3.0’s brainwave entrainment technology differs from traditional brainwave entrainment, and this week, I’d like to talk about what biofield technology is and how we use it. In essence, our biofield technology…

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The Unique Brainwave Entrainment Technology of the Profound Meditation Program 3.0

Brainwave entrainment represents a way of using technology to take our meditation and our spiritual practices into territory that has previously been very difficult, if not impossible, for us to venture into. My inspiration for creating the Profound Meditation Program 3.0 was not about just adding binaural beats or isochronic tones to music, using conventional audio entrainment methods to create…

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