A Poem by John Dupuy: Before the Stillness

Before the stillness the storm. Before peace the war. Before rebirth the destruction and the fire. Before forgiveness the pain of the violated. Before God the despair of the soul that is lost and has forgotten. Before dawn the darkness. Before awakening the dreams. The dreamer awakes to the source, is the source, the maker…

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Digital Shaman ~ The Story Behind Vision Quest

With the introduction of VisionQuest, Eric Thompson, creator of iAwake Technology’s products, puts on squarely the mantle of what I believe is one of his true callings to our world: Digital Shaman. Until I wrote it out I didn’t realize how much it seemed… apt. I see a shaman as a person who is a bridge between…

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Introducing VisionQuest: A Journey into Shamanic Consciousness

The idea behind VisionQuest is to help facilitate the desire to transform one’s life through receiving a deeper insight into what is holding one back or what is necessary for moving to the next level. Shamanic journeying is a different way of gaining knowledge and wisdom than what is generally accepted here in the West, where we…

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Breaking our Addictive Patterns with the Profound Meditation Program

When we meditate with the Profound Meditation Program, we are consciously engaged in the process of evolving and healing our brains in an integral and holistic way. Unfortunately, this type of healing technology has not been available until very recently, and many of us are suffering from neurological deficits and emotional wounding based on our past…

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Science and Subjectivity: Are They Mutually Exclusive?

“We say Newton discovered gravitation. Was it sitting anywhere in a corner waiting for him? It was in his own mind; the time came and he found it out. All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in your own mind. The external world…

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How to Transform Your Brain, Starting Right Now

I’d like to share two very simple but very profound and powerful practices that can help us to develop deeper self-love and acceptance, and deeper empathy. With these practices, we gain a sense of being attuned not only to others, but also to ourselves. In fact, we find that there’s a reciprocal relationship: the more we become…

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Meditation and the Butterfly Effect: Why What We Do Matters

I was thinking about our ambitions and our egos recently and how, as time goes by, as we struggle to do our inner work—our meditation, our contemplative practice, and our prayer work—the ego starts to shape itself into a functional, helpful form.  Of course we know that the end purpose of all things is not…

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iAwake’s Biofield Technology and the Energy of the Golden Mean

The energy of the Golden Mean, is one of the key ingredients in iAwake Technologies’ new Energy Alchemy Series. This energy band has an interesting history for a number of reasons. One is that it turns up at all of the genuine spiritual pilgrimage sites, which are famous for people having profound, brief awakenings, or…

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Facing the Depths in Our Meditation Practice: Here Be Lions

Last Sunday, I was sitting doing my meditation, and I noticed how my ego really wanted to avoid going deep. There was a strong signal: No, no, no. Let’s stay on top. Let’s think about anything rather than surrendering into the depths. I’ve noticed the same thing with my students and clients, that oftentimes there’s a…

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Energy Alchemy: Digital Energy Medicine Meets Bio-Energetic Entrainment

iAwake Technologies’ new Energy Alchemy Series consists of three different tracks: Anahata, Meditative Ocean, and WorldSpirit Remixed. What each of these have in common is that they all include both the “Energy of the Golden Mean”, and the “white energy band, also known as “white light.”  I explained briefly about these energy bands in my recent blog “Introducing iAwake’s…

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Brain Entrainment, Meditation, and… Tennis?

There are two kinds of religions: old-fashioned religion and what is now the emerging religion. Old-fashioned religion is a religion that involves a set of beliefs, or dogmas, that you buy into in order to be saved and in order to be part of the “inner group.” The new kind of religion that is emerging is…

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A Profound Meditation Practitioner On Practice, Zen, and More

John:  Today we’re having something very cool: a dialogue with Profound Meditation practitioner Alexander Leuthold, who is calling from Germany. Alexander, would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, how you use the Profound Meditation Program, and how that experience has been? Alexander: John, I remember we met in Bremen, in Germany. You gave a…

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Meditation and the Physical Transformation of the Brain: Part III

One of the really important structural changes we see due to long-term meditation occurs in the middle prefrontal areas of the brain. In recent blogs, I have discussed what scientists are learning about the structural changes in the thalamus, the left prefrontal cortex, and the parietal lobe. Here I will discuss the findings regarding the…

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Meditation and the Physical Transformation of the Brain: Part II

In this series we will be looking at four key structures in our brains that change as a result of long-term meditation: the thalamus, the left prefrontal cortex, the parietal lobe, and the middle prefrontal areas. You can read about the implications of changes that occur in the thalamus in my previous blog Meditation and the…

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Go Deep, Get Dog: Contemplative Spiritual Practice

A number of years ago when I was working as a therapeutic wilderness guide, a friend of mine, Corey Alexander, told my group and me this story. He said he had been at a Lakota sacred ceremony and afterwards they traditionally have a meal. In the Lakota tradition, dogs are considered sacred food. So, as Corey…

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