Meet our brilliant team of brainwave entrainment artists

Here is a very interesting and inspiring video of a dialogue John Dupuy had with our remarkable iAwake creators: Javi Otero, Leigh Spusta, Joseph Kao, and Nadja Lind. It was recorded by Spirit Tech Media as part of the Spiritual Technologies 2.0 free online summit in February 2016. Just click on the image above to watch the…

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What is Emotional Releasing and How Can I Let Go?

 Javi:   Today we are lucky to have with us Joseph Kao, the creator of iAwake’s latest release Profound Releasing. As it says in the description, “It’s a multi-layered, guided meditation with advanced brainwave entrainment technology, designed to help you let go of old, rigid emotional patterns and rediscover your natural spontaneity, energy, and vitality ……

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How You Can Entrain Your Brain & Your Body to Deep Delta States

Learn how you can naturally entrain your brain and your body to deep delta states by listening to psychoacoustic music in this interview with Leigh Spusta, one of iAwake’s new producers. iAwake CEO John Dupuy and Leigh discuss the benefits of “natural entrainment,” deep delta — which can bring you into profound states of relaxation, bliss, and joy,…

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An Introduction to the New HeartWave Meditation

When I first began meditating, I did so partially as a way to bring some relief from more than two decades of bipolar disorder in which I experienced periods of severe depression for months at a time every year of my adult life. When I first started meditating, I enjoyed a lot of benefits and…

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The Unique Brainwave Entrainment Technology of the Profound Meditation Program 3.0

Brainwave entrainment represents a way of using technology to take our meditation and our spiritual practices into territory that has previously been very difficult, if not impossible, for us to venture into. My inspiration for creating the Profound Meditation Program 3.0 was not about just adding binaural beats or isochronic tones to music, using conventional audio entrainment methods to create…

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Digital Shaman ~ The Story Behind Vision Quest

With the introduction of VisionQuest, Eric Thompson, creator of iAwake Technology’s products, puts on squarely the mantle of what I believe is one of his true callings to our world: Digital Shaman. Until I wrote it out I didn’t realize how much it seemed… apt. I see a shaman as a person who is a bridge between…

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Energy Alchemy: Digital Energy Medicine Meets Bio-Energetic Entrainment

iAwake Technologies’ new Energy Alchemy Series consists of three different tracks: Anahata, Meditative Ocean, and WorldSpirit Remixed. What each of these have in common is that they all include both the “Energy of the Golden Mean”, and the “white energy band, also known as “white light.”  I explained briefly about these energy bands in my recent blog “Introducing iAwake’s…

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Brain Entrainment, Meditation, and… Tennis?

There are two kinds of religions: old-fashioned religion and what is now the emerging religion. Old-fashioned religion is a religion that involves a set of beliefs, or dogmas, that you buy into in order to be saved and in order to be part of the “inner group.” The new kind of religion that is emerging is…

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How the Practice of Meditation Raises Your Stress Threshold

One of the things we know about binaural beats and the other technologies Eric Thompson has so brilliantly woven together in the Profound Meditation Program and iAwake’s other tracks is that with daily practice and prolonged use, in a very short time, we start becoming much more resilient and able to deal with stress. The stress threshold begins to raise and…

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Getting into the Zone with Eric Thompson and Shawn Phillips

Eric: There’s a Canadian trainer by the name of Thomas Hawes who has developed a concept he calls zone minutes; he has found among the athletes he has worked with, that the more minutes they accrue of being in the zone—of being in that place where they’re totally relaxed and totally connected to everything that’s happening around…

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How Mindfulness Helps Us Heal

What is mindfulness? From what I can see, mindfulness is when you begin to develop the witness or the observer self. In other words, instead of being locked inside your story, your trauma, or your ego, you begin to experience it from the outside as in, “Oh, isn’t this interesting?” If you can observe yourself from outside the mental and emotional…

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The Digital Pills ~ Wake, Sleep, Recharge, Relax – Effortlessly

Alternative Health PsychoAcoustics for Waking, Sleeping, Recharging, Relaxing… Listen to Eric Thompson, Chief Technical Officer of iAwake Technologies, and Bruce Austin, CEO of BAPI, Inc. discuss The Digital Pills, a collaboration between iAwake Technologies, LLC & BAPI, Inc. The Digital Pills is a powerful audio technology designed to support you day & night with no side effects, feeling…

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