Go Deep, Get Dog: Contemplative Spiritual Practice

A number of years ago when I was working as a therapeutic wilderness guide, a friend of mine, Corey Alexander, told my group and me this story. He said he had been at a Lakota sacred ceremony and afterwards they traditionally have a meal. In the Lakota tradition, dogs are considered sacred food. So, as Corey…

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How the Practice of Meditation Raises Your Stress Threshold

One of the things we know about binaural beats and the other technologies Eric Thompson has so brilliantly woven together in the Profound Meditation Program and iAwake’s other tracks is that with daily practice and prolonged use, in a very short time, we start becoming much more resilient and able to deal with stress. The stress threshold begins to raise and…

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Vaporize Your Performance Anxiety

One of the most common emotional problems we experience revolves around performance anxiety—whether it involves a job interview, a difficult math test, creating a new relationship, or especially public speaking.  Building on the seven important insights into obtaining emotional freedom that I shared with you in my last blog, this time, instead of theorizing about…

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7 Insights into Obtaining Profound Emotional Freedom

Insight #1: Every emotional experience, including anxiety, has two components: The story which seems to give rise to the emotional experience. The energy behind that experience, the stream of sensation accompanying it. We often get so caught up in the story that is attached to our emotions, that we unwittingly magnify the energy behind such experiences, and in reality…

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Shawn Phillips and John Dupuy – Mindful Strength Training Video

Train your body, entrain your brain Get your evolution going in the fast lane. John Dupuy and Shawn Phillips begin a discussion on mindful strength training and its role in an integral, whole life. This video is an excerpt from a dialog in the Spring of 2012, Shawn and John sharing their discovery of the power of strength…

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Getting into the Zone with Eric Thompson and Shawn Phillips

Eric: There’s a Canadian trainer by the name of Thomas Hawes who has developed a concept he calls zone minutes; he has found among the athletes he has worked with, that the more minutes they accrue of being in the zone—of being in that place where they’re totally relaxed and totally connected to everything that’s happening around…

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Taking a Universal Perspective and What We Can Do to Evolve

Why is the whole big picture—everything, the universe—part of our conversation? It’s because we’re evolving the human brain, which means we’re evolving consciousness. I don’t know of anything more important going on right now, because everything else flows from that. There’s not a problem in the world that I can think of offhand that is…

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Emptiness and Fullness by Bill Epperly

There are two essential capacities for awakening: emptiness and fullness. What I mean by emptiness is access to radical emptiness—abiding in the place where self can seemingly dissolve to nothing, where we are in the presence of nothing, and yet have the felt sense of tremendous presence that is pure potential. I want to contrast that with…

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Using Our Minds to Change Our Brains

How can we, as meditators, use our attention to direct the flow of energy and information in our brains? In effect, how can we use our minds to change our brains? There are many different types of meditation. One person’s definition of meditation may differ from another’s. We can loosely say that one thing meditation has…

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The Digital Pills ~ Wake, Sleep, Recharge, Relax – Effortlessly

Alternative Health PsychoAcoustics for Waking, Sleeping, Recharging, Relaxing… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wPm1PJOvto Listen to Eric Thompson, Chief Technical Officer of iAwake Technologies, and Bruce Austin, CEO of BAPI, Inc. discuss The Digital Pills, a collaboration between iAwake Technologies, LLC & BAPI, Inc. The Digital Pills is a powerful audio technology designed to support you day & night with no side effects, feeling…

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Hope at the End of the Tunnel

I was recently in the Bay Area to teach a class on Addiction Studies. When my class and I did our first meditation together, we sank into a very deep meditative state, one which we could all really feel. When you meditate in a group, there is a definite field of energy, a palpable coming…

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Your Passion Your Practice

I have been passionately playing electric blues guitar for about two years now. Before that, I spent about forty years playing acoustic rhythm guitar and a little bit of lead. Then two years ago this August, I fell in love with a guitar at a friend’s house. He was selling a vintage guitar―which I bought…

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True Patriotism and the Integral Way

On the 4th of July this year, I was thinking about patriotism. We were considering having a 4th of July sale on iAwake Technologies’ products and the slogan, “Be a good patriot this July 4th. Develop your brain.” came to mind. I liked it―a bit humorous, but pretty serious at the same time. What is…

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So, what is enlightenment anyway?

I want to talk about non-duality and enlightenment and open up that whole can of worms, because there’s just a lot of talk about it these days. We put ourselves through all kinds of crazy things in order to achieve it: we join ashrams, follow spiritual teachers, spend lots of money, and really do all…

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Keys to Meditation Part 1 – Letting Go

Have you ever noticed how the mind wants to focus on solving problems during meditation? It can seem daunting to quiet its incessant chatter. The objective of meditation is to connect with our spirit, the part of our nature that transcends and includes the busy mind. The key to meditating effectively is to remember that…

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Brainwave Meditation Programs

My History With Brainwave Meditation Programs by Eric Thompson I first became aware of brainwave meditation programs  and brain waves when researching alternative methods for treating the bipolar disorder I had been unsuccessfully living with my entire adult life. I eventually learned a method of releasing difficult emotions on the spot, which I then practiced…

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