Javi Otero of iAwake TechnologiesNeuroflow’s elegant sessions combine beauty and power in one of the most versatile iAwake releases to date: write, design, create, daydream, unwind, open up, take off, appreciate, land back, smile…   ~ Javi Otero


Advanced Audio Entrainment Technology for Focus, Flow, Relaxation, and Joy

NeuroFlow  features expansive 3D holophonic nature soundtracks infused with advanced brainwave entrainment technology for quickly accessing profound states of focus, relaxation, and creative energy.

NeuroFlow is for:

  • Balanced, relaxed focus when you need it for work, for study, for play.
  • Deeply relaxing, intense focus or to de-stress or just chill.
  • Energizing, feeling good, getting “high”
  • Generating creative flow for work, writing, art, expression
  • Flowing with your life and your world in all its richness and possibility and aliveness

Listen to the 7-Minute Samples Now

Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next several minutes.
Allow the soundscape to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.

Don’t be fooled – this is not just nature – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.

NeuroFlow’s  unique formula may benefit:

  • Balanced concentration
  • Awareness and clarity
  • Deep relaxation
  • A deep sense of invigoration
  • Deep meditation
  • Flow
  • Blissful states of consciousness
  • Creative energy

Most effective with headphones
Most effective with headphones
Use of sound to influence brainwave activity. Forms of brainwave entrainment might include: binaural • isochronic • monaural •  psychacoustic • panning, etc.
Use of sound to influence brainwave activity. Forms of brainwave entrainment might include: binaural • isochronic • monaural • psychacoustic • panning, etc.
Where peak performance meets inner peace (31-99 Hz). Associated with: intense focus • creativity • deep compassion • high information processing • "Aha" experiences.
Where peak performance meets inner peace (31-99 Hz). Associated with: intense focus • creativity • deep compassion • high information processing • "Aha" experiences.
Getting stuff done (14 to 25 Hz), Associated with: the external world • energy • goal oriented • analyzing • planning • linear mind
Getting stuff done (14 to 25 Hz), Associated with: the external world • energy • goal oriented • analyzing • planning • linear mind
The artist's brainwaves (8 to 13 Hz). Associated with creative flow • relaxed focus • stress release • presence • enhanced problem solving
The artist's brainwaves (8 to 13 Hz). Associated with creative flow • relaxed focus • stress release • presence • enhanced problem solving
For the Inner Journey (3 to 7 Hz). Associated with: insight • visualization • inner journeying • dreamwork • intuition • deep states of meditation • healing
For the Inner Journey (3 to 7 Hz). Associated with: insight • visualization • inner journeying • dreamwork • intuition • deep states of meditation • healing

Additional Info


Track Details

01  Focus facilitates balanced concentration and awareness. Entrains to mid/low alpha (8-12 Hz).

02  Calm facilitates deeply relaxed meditation. Entrains to low alpha (8-10 Hz).

03  Joy facilitates invigoration and bliss in meditation. Entrains to beta & gamma simultaneously (16-54 Hz).

04 Create facilitates flow, concentration, creative energy. Entrains to gamma. (Bonus digital only track)

Full package includes:

  • 3 tracks (30 minutes each for a total of 90 minutes)
  • Bonus digital track (20 minutes)
  • Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
  • Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
  • User Guide (downloadable PDF)
  • Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)

How to Use

Download the iAwake App

First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.


Play NeuroFlow  at a comfortable volume through loudspeakers in the background: Your whole environment will be infused with the subtle energetic frequencies of nature, facilitating a sense of balance, calm, and clarity.

Listen to NeuroFlow  with headphones: Listening to NeuroFlow  with headphones provides the optimal effect for deep and profound contemplation and meditation.

Use NeuroFlow:

  • while you are working or studying for focus, sustained yet relaxed concentration (Focus)
  • for generating creative flow for work, writing, art, expression (Create)
  • to chill out (Calm)
  • to feel energized, to feel good, to get “high” (Joy)


Target Brainwaves

01  Focus entrains to mid/low alpha (8-12 Hz) – facilitates balanced concentration and awareness.

02  Calm entrains to low alpha (8-10 Hz) – facilitates deeply relaxed meditation.

03  Joy entrains to beta & gamma simultaneously (16-54 Hz) – facilitates invigoration and bliss in meditation.

04 Create entrains to gamma – facilitates flow, concentration, creative energy.


Eric Thompson

Eric Thompson is the creator of the iNET entrainment process, and was a co-founder and the first Chief Technology Officer of iAwake Technologies, LLC. Eric is no longer with iAwake Technologies, but he was a seminal contributor to its development and all of iAwake’s initial products, including the Profound Meditation Program 3.0.

Eric has started a new company called Subtle Energy Sciences, and writes and speaks on the intersection between neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality.

I thought there wouldn’t be much of a difference listening to the NeuroFlow tracks during my seated meditation. Focusing my mind and reaching that “quiet space” is more or less effortless now. But let me tell you, I was indeed surprised. The difference is both subtle and dramatic.

The NeuroFlow audio tracks induce a quality of centered focus that is spacious and elastic, a secured calmness that is contained as well as expansive. The difference is remarkable…I always thought the technology was fantastic, but I didn’t really* know* it was fantastic.  ~ Robert

The NeuroFlow tracks were originally developed for an iPhone meditation app and our agreement was that the licensee had sole rights to the tracks for a period of time. And while we were glad our iAwake tracks were finding their way into other venues, we loved these particular tracks and were sad we couldn’t share them with our community. And now we can!

My favorite is Joy – the soundtrack is rather quiet…gently lapping waves…like tide pools…then the periodic sounds of tropical birds…jungle meets bayshore. But mostly I love its spacious quality and the feeling of stillness…awakeness I experience.   ~ Pam Dupuy