Rapid Shift: The Alternator
Transforming Negativity into Peace
Rapid Shift: The Alternator is a spiritual and emotional tool and technique that helps us deeply relax into a state of consciousness that allows us to identify the emotional blocks and wounds that are keeping us from being our most creative and joyful selves, and transmute these same blocks, hurts, and wounds into creative energy that can fuel and empower our journey of healing and transformation.
Great technique for dumping old emotional garbage that you couldn’t before. ~ Janet
Listen to the 2-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next 2 minutes.
Allow the guided meditation and ambient music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just simple guided instructions and beautiful music –
the guidance plus the technology infused in the soundtrack evokes the deep relaxation response.
Rapid Shift: The Alternator can help you:
- relieve stress
- feel relaxed
- increase creative energy & flow
- reduce anxiousness
- create space for positive thought
- reduce negativity
- relieve fear/insecurity
- have freedom from struggle
- get clarity & insight
- experience relief in minutes
- connect to a deeper sense of you
- get back to functioning quickly
- integrate emotional charge
- experience emotional hygiene
- dissolve inner conflict and emotional knots
Wesly Feuquay's Rapid Shift: The Alternator [04:06]

Additional Info
Track Details
01 Introduction and Subjective Problem (10:04)
02 Core Process (06:40)
03 Expansion and Integration (08:18)
Full package includes:
- Three tracks (for a total of 25 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- Getting Started Video (6 minutes in MP4 format)
- Guided Outline (downloadable PDF)
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
The Rapid Shift: The Alternator guided process is designed to relieve the weight of mental and emotional stressors quickly and efficiently.
It has been used by thousands to liberate themselves from everyday struggles, such as negative thoughts and energy, procrastination, creative blocks, depression, anxiety, feelings of insecurity, fear, emotional charge, and so much more. Users of the process have reported it removes more psycho-emotional turmoil in one session than months of traditional therapy.
The track guides you through a unique process which allows you to consciously shift between your thoughts and emotions. In doing so, you are able to accept your thoughts and experience your emotions in the moment, which almost instantly moves you from stuckness to freedom. The result is a relaxed, clear-minded “you,” open to better flow, positive thoughts, creative energy, and improvement of mood.
The embedded iAwake Deeply Theta track is a great accompaniment to the process and helps to evoke a chill state for problem clarity and insight. You can utilize the track with headphones (to take advantage of the brainwave entrainment) or without.
We highly recommend downloading the tracks and keeping them on your phone for easy access when you need it. It’s truly like having a therapist in your pocket! After some practice, you’ll notice you can perform the process by yourself, without using the track at all. This is perfect for moments that require quick relief from stress or anxiety but don’t allow enough time for a complete dive into the track, such as just before a business meeting, test or competition, or a much needed 15-minute break from work.
Created from some of the world’s newest cutting-edge psychology, these short tracks give you access to a proven and profound technique that works the first time every time. In less than half an hour, this powerful process can effectively remove unwanted feelings associated with negative experiences, problems, and setbacks. Just as a deep massage untangles the knots in our muscles so that we can improve our physical self, we must also take the time to unravel the emotional knots that remain trapped in our minds and bodies.
The Story of the Development of Rapid Shift: The Alternator from the creator, Wesly Feuquay
I created Rapid Shift: The Alternator to help others in a simple yet profound way — mainly to be able to live without emotional turmoil and stress. My intention was an immersive experience that was easily accessible, quick to use, fast to apply, and powerful in its ability to create rapid change.
This special iAwake version of this process is a unique application of a protocol I use extensively in my transformative coaching suite of methods. It is one of my go-to methods to bring people from a triggered state and back to functioning quickly and powerfully.
John Dupuy and I had the idea to blend the powers of brainwave carrier frequencies with the guided state changes possible with Psylogia’s methods some time in early 2018. What you are now about to experience is the marriage of several amazingly effective modalities all working in concert together. You’ll feel the Deeply Theta track holding you in a relaxed yet profound state, while the alternating process of the guided track dissolves emotional charge in minutes.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email, and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Use Rapid Shift: The Alternator anytime you are experiencing negative states, problems, stress, overwhelm, or unwanted states. You can go from triggered to peaceful, and more importantly, return to functioning in less time than it takes to have a good nap. The method may be used with or without headphones, and with practice you can do it on yourself with the accompanying outline script, with no listening whatsoever.
When you purchase Rapid Shift: The Alternator, you’ll receive an in-depth, user friendly guide that accompanies the audio guided meditation.
Check out Rapid Shift: The Alternator in Action [04:50]
This Rapid Shift: The Alternator protocol is the marriage of two well-known consciousness change methodologies carefully blended to bring a powerful transformative experience — negative states into peaceful acceptance and fullness.
- Rapid Shift: The Alternator – a potent, next gen guided process.
- Brainwave entrainment technology targeting theta (5Hz) to support the depth work the guided meditation evokes.

Wesly Feuquay, M.Ed., creator of Rapid Shift: The Alternator, is the founder of the Psylogia Institute for the Development of Consciousness, Purpose, and Transformation. Wesly served for 15 years as psychological science faculty at Maricopa Colleges in Arizona, as well as creating coursework for the Psychology of Consciousness and Mature Ego Development. Wesly mentors unique inner genius, teaches Integral Psychology theory, and utilizes psycho-spiritual modalities of healing and transformation. Combined, Wesly weaves these modalities to bring about psychological relief, heal trauma, and overcome personal struggles and setbacks. Further, he specializes in life purpose discovery, uncovering inner brilliance, co-creative goal actualization, and cultivating peak human potential.

Leigh Spusta, creator of Alpha Arising, Forgetting Not to Remember, Gamma 40, Deep Delta, Deeply Theta, iAwake Mini Meditations, Solar Infusion, and the sound/entrainment tracks for Enneagram Meditations, The Gift of Gratitude – Recovery Edition, The Gift of Gratitude, Morning Ritual, Call of the Heart; In, Out & Through Vol. I; Kundalini (In, Out & Through Vol. II); and Deep Recovery, is a composer, hypnotherapist, and Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator, specializing in the use of sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.
His work has become internationally recognized and is enjoyed by thousands around the world. Leigh has worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producing a variety of therapeutic audio CDs, and has been hired as a consultant and producer working with companies in the United Kingdom. He also works with the HMI College of Hypnotherapy and the American Hypnosis Association as Director of Media Production.
Leigh combines his talents as a musician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, in an effort to pioneer new approaches to creating rich, resonant soundscapes for greater efficacy in healing and meditative products. Leigh is the developer of the proprietary PsimatiX™ therapeutic approaches and technologies.
This is a powerful and useful process of guided therapy — I learned so much from it. The process takes you from feel to think, back and forth, several times, and this is harder than it seems. I think of it like one of those self-guided art museum tours where you get headphones. First you see how the painting or sculpture makes you feel, then you get facts and info about it (the think part). ~ Abigail
Each time I used Rapid Shift/Alternator, my symptoms of distress decreased from 7-8/10 to 0-3/10. Midway through the process, I would feel a serene feeling where I felt tired, like my mind was ready to slow down. I even wanted to turn off the audio so I could just experience the quiet state. I found this process to be very simple for letting go. I may not have known where it was going to take me, but it helped me dive into unpleasant feelings and transform them into peace and a state of letting go. ~ Vanessa Hardy