Audio Chi
A Digital Transmission of Life Force Energy
Incorporates protocols discovered in medical research in Taiwan to generate a strong feeling of Chi (in experienced Qigong practitioners). Balance your bodymind, boost your energy and enthusiasm, and shift into bliss with this complex alpha wave program.
The moment I started listening an exhilarating, tingling feeling moved all over my body and I felt lighter and energized. The Chi was moving!! ~ Jeff
Listen to the 7-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 7 minutes. Allow the soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just sound – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
This energizing track can be used to:
- Boost your energy and enthusiasm
- Recharge your mind and body during lunch or after work
- Significantly activate and deepen your Qigong, Tai Chi or yoga practice
- Help instill whole-body bliss during meditation and exercise
- Complement your work with the Profound Meditation Program by enjoying the stress-relieving, rejuvenative states of consciousness facilitated with this track
- Complement your emotional release practices
- Experience an exhilarating natural high
- Balance the chakras deeply and easily
- Re-establish and renew inner harmony

Additional Info
Track Details
One 60-minute track with soothing mountain stream sounds.
Full package includes:
- 1 track (60 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
A Digital Transmission of Life Force Energy
Because of the unique and powerful entrainment technology embedded in Audio Chi, you will experience far more than just a relaxing brainwave pattern, you’ll shift into a revitalizing, enlivening experience that supports a balanced, clear, relaxed focus.
This invigorating track:
- Incorporates protocols discovered in medical research in Taiwan to generate a strong feeling of Chi in just a few minutes (in experienced Qigong practitioners)
- Can be experienced as audio acupuncture, as it gently but noticeably energizes the meridian system to significantly help loosen and release “stuck” qi
- Facilitates deeply vitalizing sessions of moving meditation and exercise: Qigong, Tai Chi, yoga, running, and any physical exercise
- Useful for meditation
- Can be used to deepen any emotional relief practice: Sedona Method, EFT, Release Technique, Ho’oponopono, EMDR, etc.
- Uses a unique and unpredictable brainwave entrainment algorithm in the range in which the body’s cells communicate to one another
- Uses infrasonic sound and random signals designed to break up abnormal cellular communication
- Features the brainwave patterns of calm clarity, effortless focus and flow
- Uses what we believe to be the most advanced and effective neural entrainment technology available
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Listen to Audio Chi with headphones: Because of the unique entrainment signals embedded in this program, listening to it with headphones as meditation will penetrate deeply into your mind and body, leaving a sense of refreshment that will last long into the day.
Unique Neural Entrainment Methodologies, including
- Dual-Pulse Harmonic Box X Signals (Exclusive to iAwake)
- Rhythmic Panning
- Isochronic Entrainment
- Random Alpha Signals
- Infrasonic Modulation
Experimental Biofield Entrainment Technology
- White light healing experiences
When played, Audio Chi emits an energetic field that influences your biofield to induce tangible states of bliss and peace.

Eric Thompson is the creator of the iNET entrainment process, and was a co-founder and the first Chief Technology Officer of iAwake Technologies, LLC. Eric is no longer with iAwake Technologies, but he was a seminal contributor to its development and all of iAwake’s initial products, including the Profound Meditation Program 3.0.
Eric has started a new company called Subtle Energy Sciences, and writes and speaks on the intersection between neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality.
I found it works for me to listen to it without headphones. It created a fantastic atmosphere when reading or relaxing. I can say that after about 3 minutes of listening to this track I can honestly say that I felt a vibration throughout my body! That was something that I hadn’t expected, but very welcomed as it really was soothing. Thanks again Eric! ~ Dave Lewin
I enjoyed Audio Chi thoroughly. I’ve played it silently on my iPhone on a few occasions and really felt it energising my biofield. I felt relaxed, energised and … More open-minded. ~ Barbara