Call of the Heart
Scandinavian Lullabies with Theta Waves and Biofield Energy to Open and Heal Your Heart. From Vidia Wesenlund's Night Light album.
Truly beautiful, new tech-infused music. Scandinavian lullabies sung by a little known but evocative and incredible singer with sparse, haunting, sweet, deep music – embedded with sound technologies designed to support healing, opening,
There was a lot of pain erasure: which is to say that the tracks brought up pain to erase that I didn’t know was there. ~ Christopher Worthing
Listen to the 3-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 3 minutes. Allow the sounds to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
Here are some of the ways people are using the tracks:
- for heart opening
- for centering
- as opening music for a meditation session
- to be deeply touched
- for helping to feel into and release submerged grief
- to help shift from anger to the underlying sadness
- to prepare for sleep
- to help relieve emotional pain

Additional Info
Track Details
01 Three Stars Walking (05:31)
02 Love Love (06:06)
03 Holding (07:14)
04 Song of Mama Troll (07:21)
05 Mama’s Song (04:10)
06 Light Calling (06:02)
07 The Healing Rose (04:19)
08 Ever-Present Light (04:06)
Full package includes:
- 8 tracks (total of 45 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
About Call of the Heart
Call of the Heart soundtracks are lullabies, songs mothers sang, and still sing, to soothe their children to sleep. The songs come from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Here are the words in English (translated from Swedish) from one of the tracks, “Song of Mama Troll”.
When mamma troll has put her eleven trolls to bed
and tied her tail to theirs,
she slowly sings for her eleven little trolls
the most beautiful words she knows.
Ho aj aj aj aj buff…
All these tracks target theta brainwaves, which are associated with deep creativity, insight, healing, intuition, and access to inner guidance. The biofield formula infused in the tracks provides a naturally balancing and soothing energy, cleanses and balances the energetic heart, and emits a strong vibration of unconditional love, joy, warmth, and emotional healing.
As soon as I heard these tracks, that was it – I knew these were the ones we’d been searching for to match with our healing sound technology. They were already psychoactive and profoundly moving.
We invited Eric Thompson, original co-founder of iAwake Technologies, to add his biofield genius to this project – to which he graciously agreed.
AND somehow, magically, masterfully, Leigh Spusta found a way to infuse these haunting, gorgeous tracks with a theta entrainment protocol that blends and supports them. Leigh is a consummate musician, among his many skills, and it truly shows here.
~ Pam Parsons Dupuy
About Call of the Heart from the creator, Vidia Wesenlund
I remember these Scandinavian lullabies from growing up in Norway, but singing them now gives me an experience of how the depth of darkness and the clarity of light can exist at the same time in one song. And in this way it reflects what is so much a part of the northern countries – light and darkness that show up in such extreme ways.
The songs have brought these two opposites together for me, letting our dark and light sides exist in the same space, through the tenderness of the lullaby. I hope you will have your own unique experience as you listen to these songs from the land where the days are dark and the nights are light.
The Story of the Development of Call of the Heart from the COO of iAwake Technologies, Pamela Parsons Dupuy
Call of the Heart is a truly lovely collection of music, sung by an amazing and little known singer, Vidia Wesenlund. We had set out to find tracks of beautiful music to then infuse with entrainment, targeting theta brainwaves to support healing and intuition and insight. As soon as I heard these tracks, that was it – I knew these were the ones. They were already psychoactive and profoundly moving.
Then we sent one of the tracks to Leigh Spusta, a master musician besides being a brainwave entrainment whiz (creator of the tracks Deep Delta, Solar Infusion, etc) and asked him if he thought he could layer in sound technology that would support and not hurt the music, yet still provide a powerful entrainment effect. And what he sent back, well, surprised us. It blended so well with the music, yet the entrainment was strong, so he, of course, added his tech magic to all the tracks.
We also reached out to Eric Thompson, one of the co-founders of iAwake and developer of all our early tracks (including Profound Meditation 3.0) and asked him if he’d be interested in providing biofield technology to the tracks – and Eric kindly agreed. He has put together a formula that supports emotional healing, heart-opening and balancing, to this already stellar set of tracks, so we believe we have a truly phenomenal, transformative offering.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Call of the Heart tracks may be used in a number of different ways for a number of situations. Our philosophy, as always, is one of open-minded experimentation. As you become familiar with each of the tracks and the way it affects you, you’ll have a better idea of which tracks to use for which purposes.
Here are some of the ways people are using the tracks:
- for heart opening
- for centering
- to be deeply touched
- for helping to feel into and release submerged grief
- to help shift from anger to the underlying sadness
- to help shift from depression to aliveness
- to prep for a meditation session
- to prepare for sleep
Call of the Heart uses a masterful entrainment matrix, which includes isochronic and biofield technology, enabling the tracks to work well when played through speakers. However, the effect is typically most powerful when headphones or earbuds are used, so using headphones or earbuds is our “best practice” recommendation when possible.
Keeping the above in mind, here a few sample suggestions that may help you begin your exploration.
Using Call of the Heart:
There are a number of ways to use Call of the Heart as a stand-alone meditation, or as an addition to your current favorite iAwake tracks:
Option 1
Meditate with the suite of tracks, using your meditation practice of choice. Use the breath, the heart center, or the music as a “meditation object,” gently returning your attention when it wanders. This practice helps facilitate “state flexibility,” allowing you to drop into meditation or relaxation more easily, any time you need to.
Option 2
Begin your meditation with one of the tracks. When the track ends, follow it with Profound Meditation 3.0 or other iAwake tracks you are using for your meditation practice.
Option 3
Play Call of the Heart tracks on your speakers to create an environment of beauty and love in your physical space.
Option 4
Play Call of the Heart tracks to enter a deep trance state for shamanic exploration, self-hypnosis, releasing trauma and emotions, or working with “medicine questions.”
Option 5
Play Call of the Heart tracks to help fully experience and release grief and sorrow. Immerse yourself in the music and let the feelings come and flow through you.
Brainwave Entrainment Technology
Theta: Deep creativity, insight, healing, intuition, access to inner guidance
From Leigh Spusta, developer of the brainwave entrainment technology:
I kept the same target of 5.5Hz across all tracks to ensure a solid, continuous entrainment. I used an isochronic tone approach on all tracks, yet each track has its own unique carrier audio, a drone instrument with a timbre and pitch that blended well with each track. On one track, I used a sample of the track itself to embed the isochronic tone into the ocean-like sound. Finally, the depth of the isochronic pulse and the mix level of the carrier audio were determined in each instance by both the effectiveness of the entrainment and by maintaining the soothing aesthetic of the track.
Biofield Technology
From Eric Thompson, developer of the biofield technology:
Here are the energetic signatures included in all the tracks:
Golden Mean Energy: A naturally balancing and soothing energy associated with the Golden Proportion.
Heart Activation: Helps open the heart and facilitate the transmutation of negativity into heart-centered joy.
Heart Chakra: Cleanses and balances the energetic heart.
Heart Health: Helps restore general heart health where needed; may also help with heart arrhythmia.
Rose Quartz: Known as the ‘love stone,’ as it emits a strong vibration of unconditional love, joy, warmth and emotional healing.
Theta Brain Waves (as energetic signals, not BWE): The energetic signature of theta. Opening the heart can be surprisingly enervating, and the addition of theta waves helps balance that out so that it isn’t overpowering.
NOTE: A bit about the biofield entrainment, also called subtle energy technology. The science for measuring this technology has not been firmly established, which leads to healthy skepticism, though most of us can acknowledge there are dimensions of experience not easy to categorize or capture – yet.
Some people can readily detect the subtle energy technology in these tracks and others can’t. Typically, you can sense into its impact by feeling warmth on your skin, and a more whole body experience, than that evoked by the brainwave entrainment only, which tends to be more located in the head. Then, of course, there are the internal markers that you will recognize if you are sensitive in this way. Hear from a few people who are sensitive to this dimension:
I felt energy moving in my body on every track. ~ Christopher Griffin
…the effect is otherworldly and feels healing/longing ~ Scott
…the subtle energy technology has a deepening presence. ~ Charles Flores, PhD
In the end, what’s important is YOUR experience.

Vidia Wesenlund is the singer and developer of the soundtracks, which come from her only solo album. Her music has been featured in the award-winning documentary, Samsara (2011), with music produced by Michael Sterns, Lisa Gerrard and Marcello De Francisci. Originally from Norway, she lives in New Mexico, US. She graduated from the American Musical & Dramatic Academy in NYC, worked as an actress in Norway for many years, and later studied different singing techniques both in Norway and the US, particularly jazz.

Leigh Spusta, creator of Alpha Arising, Forgetting Not to Remember, Gamma 40, Deep Delta, Deeply Theta, iAwake Mini Meditations, Solar Infusion, and the sound/entrainment tracks for Enneagram Meditations, The Gift of Gratitude – Recovery Edition, The Gift of Gratitude, Morning Ritual, Call of the Heart; In, Out & Through Vol. I; Kundalini (In, Out & Through Vol. II); and Deep Recovery, is a composer, hypnotherapist, and Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator, specializing in the use of sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.
His work has become internationally recognized and is enjoyed by thousands around the world. Leigh has worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producing a variety of therapeutic audio CDs, and has been hired as a consultant and producer working with companies in the United Kingdom. He also works with the HMI College of Hypnotherapy and the American Hypnosis Association as Director of Media Production.
Leigh combines his talents as a musician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, in an effort to pioneer new approaches to creating rich, resonant soundscapes for greater efficacy in healing and meditative products. Leigh is the developer of the proprietary PsimatiX™ therapeutic approaches and technologies.

Eric Thompson is the creator of the iNET entrainment process, and was a co-founder and the first Chief Technology Officer of iAwake Technologies, LLC. Eric is no longer with iAwake Technologies, but he was a seminal contributor to its development and all of iAwake’s initial products, including the Profound Meditation Program 3.0.
Eric has started a new company called Subtle Energy Sciences, and writes and speaks on the intersection between neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality.
These tracks create deep space, emptiness and fullness present in the now and have changed my relationship to this expanded state of awareness. It feels more accessible. ~ Lise Beaulieu
…a different kind of focus than I’ve experienced with iAwake products. It was like I became a heart that was focused and thinking, processing emotional issues through the heart. I immediately became still and dropped in to a very deep space that I think is a combination of heart and psyche. ~ Lisa Celentano