Someone once told me that we are our most authentic self when we are laughing hysterically. At those moments we are totally present in the moment and every cell and fiber of our being is activated and completely focused on the same message. In many ways listening to Digital Acupuncture is a similar experience. I hope that other people enjoy it as much as I do.
~ Michael Halbfish
Digital Acupuncture
Qi-Encoded Nature Sounds for Healing, Renewal, and Releasing Stress
Digital Acupuncture (formerly called Audio Acupuncture), a part of iAwake’s Energy Alchemy Series, contains soundtracks embedded with a unique energetic signature of the human acupuncture meridian map which optimizes the healthy flow of qi through all the acupuncture meridians.
Experience feeling uplifted, calm, invigorated, high, relaxed.
I always feel a strong energy flow (vibrations) going up my legs when listening to these tracks. They have been great for “grounding” me, for rooting me in the now, in a very physical/energetic way. They also activate my heart chakra. And give me an extra push besides my main meditation.
~ Andre Lima
Listen to the 4-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 4 minutes. Allow the nature soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just sound – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
This program features a unique subtle energy entrainment formula designed to help you naturally experience feeling:
- Uplifted
- Calm
- Warm
- Invigorated
- High
- Relaxed
Digital Acupuncture may also benefit:
- Profound movie and music experiences
- Releasing stress
- Heightened physical and mental well-being
- Anxiety

Additional Info
Full package includes:
- 3 tracks (20 minutes each for a total of 60 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
The Story of the Development of Digital Acupuncture from the Creator, Eric Thompson
Why did you create Digital Acupuncture?
Whenever I create a new program, one of my main motivations for doing so is the desire to express higher and higher levels of the technology, to create something that’ll help elevate consciousness in some specific way. In this case, I wanted to build on the foundation of a previous program, Audio Chi, and take it to a new level. That program is still quite relevant and powerful, but I wanted to expand its application, benefits, and overall power.
Rather than incorporating audio brainwave entrainment, as Audio Chi does, Digital Acupuncture relies wholly upon our subtle energetic biofield technology. We’ve made significant upgrades to this aspect of our technology, and we’ve already received reports from participants who’ve said they find it hard to believe that this recording contains absolutely no audio brainwave entrainment in any form. Although it will entrain brain waves, it does so entirely through the use of subtle energetic signals embedded into the audio files. In fact, a common report is that people are being led into deep states of relaxation and meditation very easily and quickly using this recording.
The subtle energetic formulation contains the signatures of life force energy and the optimal flow of qi through the acupuncture meridian system. It’s like a tune-up for the acupuncture system, fine-tuning it to release blockages of qi. Whereas Audio Chi broadcasts a general transmission of life force energy, Digital Acupuncture directs that transmission to and through the acupuncture meridians in a very specific way.
Some of the benefits people report with this program:
- Improves sleep when listening while drifting off
- Supports endurance during hiking
- Possible pain relief effects
- Deep relaxation
- Meditation
- Increased creativity
- Decreased irritability
- Decreased energetic drain after working on the computer for extended periods
- General healing
- Improved qi flow
- Decreased fatigue
- Increased pleasurable tingling feeling in body
- Can be used safely with other forms of stimulation for meditation, peak performance, etc.
- Facilitates removal of energetic blockages
- Euphoric effects similar to those experienced in actual acupuncture treatments
- Mind-body synchronization
- Soothing to the nervous system
- Quiets mental chatter
- Great for Qigong practice
- Increased feelings of groundedness
How has the response been so far?
Everyone seems to universally love the 3D nature soundtrack, which subtly shifts from one nature scene to another over time, rather than looping. We’ve been told that the experience is much more life-like than typical stereo recordings of nature. When asked how we might improve this recording, one person responded, “By making more of them. I want more! No, seriously, they are stunning.”
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email, and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Play Digital Acupuncture at a comfortable volume through loudspeakers in the background: Your whole environment will be infused with the subtle energetic frequencies of nature, facilitating a sense of balance, calm, and clarity.
Listen to Digital Acupuncture with headphones: Listening to Digital Acupuncture with headphones provides the optimal effect for deep and profound contemplation and meditation.
This recording is embedded with the subtle energy frequencies of:
White Light
A powerful “spiritual solvent” capable of clearing negative emotions and blocks to spiritual awakening; associated with healing, shielding from negativity.
Energy of the Golden Mean
Found to be present at sacred pilgrimage sites; sattvic (harmonizing) properties; profound centering and balancing qualities; deeply calming and purifying.
Naturally stress reducing; healing energy.
Horizontal Negative Green
A powerful spiritual carrier wave involved in prayer, meditation, and spiritual and psychic phenomena (like distant healing and non-local, or faster-than-the-speed-of-light communication).
Contains all 12 higher harmonics – Horizontal Negative Green, Black, Infrared, Red, Orange, Yellow, Positive Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet, and White. Can be very invigorating, and tends to push stuck qi until it moves and becomes unblocked.
Acupoint Signatures
Contains a unique energetic signature of the human acupuncture meridian map, which optimizes the healthy flow of qi through all the acupuncture meridians.
Special Element Blend for the Nervous System
Contains the energetic signatures of the precise elements (from the Periodic Table of Elements) that, in proper application, have a soothing, stabilizing, regenerative, and healing effect on the human nervous system.
Brain Waves
Alpha, theta, and delta brainwaves have been associated with acupuncture treatment, and are included in this formulation. The result, when mixed with the subtle energies in this formulation, is beautifully calming AND invigorating at the same time, leaving one feeling deeply centered yet ready for high energy movement.

Eric Thompson is the creator of the iNET entrainment process, and was a co-founder and the first Chief Technology Officer of iAwake Technologies, LLC. Eric is no longer with iAwake Technologies, but he was a seminal contributor to its development and all of iAwake’s initial products, including the Profound Meditation Program 3.0.
Eric has started a new company called Subtle Energy Sciences, and writes and speaks on the intersection between neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality.
In my experience, this is your best product to date, at least for my physiology. I could not be more pleased with having it as a tool for my life. I immediately experienced positive outcomes from using it. It seems to soothe my nervous system, give me consistent energetic support, and give me interims of integrated resonance, well-being, and bliss (almost like Mother love).
~ Drea Howenstein
I am shocked that there is no Brainwave Entrainment embedded in these tracks, because my experience would like to argue otherwise! The Biofield effect is so powerful, that I feel just as deep of a reverie and meditative state with Digital Acupuncture, as I often do with many Brainwave Entrainment tracks. Perhaps this is in part due to the stimulation of the acupressure points directly? Anytime I receive an acupuncture treatment, I feel a unique and wonderful sort of trance. These audios seem to produce the same, powerful effect.
~ Jason Magnon