The releasing tracks feel somewhat like water draining out of a too-full container; I feel an instant sense of relief. – Rev. Sally B. Singingtree [Releasing Tracks]
Thank you, thank you so very much for this “music” and this experience. I’m just a lone soul in Texas but it would be an honor to shake the hands of those [who] were involved in this production. I mean that with all my heart, soul, and mind. ~ Natashia Fischer [HeartWave Meditation]
For the Times We Live In
Help! is a collection of tracks cherry-picked by the iAwake team to be very supportive and growth-inducing in these troubled times. If you use them regularly, you will find they do work!
- Create deep, healing states of consciousness, where you can connect with your inner healer and guide
- Shift from states of fear, anxiety, and shame to states of love, compassion, and wisdom
- Become more calm, more directed, and more effective
These tracks are optimally used in the morning – before you look at the news on your smartphone or computer!
Just perfect. I immediately felt, “Ahhhhhh, yes. This is just what I needed.” – R.C. [Refuge]
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Things are happening so quickly. The world has truly turned upside down. Many of us find ourselves in states of confusion, anger, despair, numbness, fear, and deep shame. I believe these are normal and healthy reactions for these times.
But we can use these states as fuel to heal and transform, to connect to the graceful intelligence of our own souls, to the place that needs no healing and is already liberated. And from there, we can find the guidance of what we need to do, both collectively and individually, to meet the challenges of this time.
In the Help! collection , you’ll find four powerful brainwave entrainment tools, carefully selected by the iAwake team, that have been used by many of us for years to great effect. These tracks are:
- Solar Infusion – created by master entrainment artist Leigh Spusta and very effective in transforming states of sadness and depression
- Refuge – two tracks made by iAwake creator Nadja Lind that have proven themselves over the years to be comforting, inspiring, and successful at creating states of calm and healing
- HeartWave Meditation – created by original iAwake brainwave entrainment master Eric Thompson, HeartWave uses alpha, theta, and delta brain waves, and has been found by many to be very powerful in opening and healing the heart
- Releasing Tracks – again created by our original brainwave entrainment master, Eric Thompson, these three 20-minute tracks are part of the greater Profound Meditation Program 3.0 and have never been released separately before. They have been found to be very effective in, well… RELEASING!
There are practically no problems in our world that do not start with the actions and ethical orientation of human beings. So let us bring intention and focus to our efforts to be the person we need to be. May these tracks provide us with the Help! we so urgently need in order to keep us sane and healthy, and empower us to act from a place of wisdom, compassion, and insight.
Listen to the 3-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience. To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next 3 minutes. Allow the ambient music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design of the hypnotic induction
and the technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the powerful response.
These tracks can Help! you to:
- Lighten your negative thoughts and perspectives
- Release mental & emotional dross, so you can hear your inner wisdom voice
- Move through depression and sadness
- Feel a pick-me-up when you are lacking in inspiration
- Feel calm, relaxed, and refreshed
- Journey to a place of centeredness, compassion, and higher understanding
- Open your heart and increase feelings of joy and gratitude

Additional Info
About and Track Details
HeartWave™ Meditation
3 x 20-minute tracks that entrain to alpha, theta, and delta brain waves
Tracks 1 and 2 are musical, and track 3 contains nature sounds.
Very beautiful and relaxing meditation music. It was a really nice experience to feel the sound of the sea waves, the birds flying, and also some of the instruments… ~ Ivette
From the developer, Eric Thompson: The unique signals in the HeartWave™ technology are designed to evoke greater coherence in both the physical and energetic aspects of the heart. They help open up your capacity to access your heart’s innate compassion and deepest wisdom, and discernment. They help you feel your feelings more fully, and thus prevent emotional dysfunction and the limiting of your higher potential that so often result from emotional repression and suppression. Because the heart’s capacity to facilitate profound states of peace and calm is so much greater than that of the brain, the HeartWave™ technology helps quiet the chattering mind very quickly. And because of the heart’s significant relationship to deeper intuition, creativity, and increased resourcefulness, the HeartWave™ technology can help you naturally access and express more of your innate genius and potential in a world that needs it.
Profound Meditation Program 3.0 – Releasing Tracks
1 20-minute track that ramps from alpha down to theta brain waves
1 20-minute track that entrains to mid-theta brain waves
1 20-minute track that entrains to deep theta brain waves
The Releasing Tracks surprised and keep surprising me in many ways. They’ve been my go-to tracks whenever I’m overwhelmed and all over the place. The Releasing Tracks set me in; they’re my base tracks whenever I want to go back to my meditation practice after an entrainment hiatus and do not know where to start. Truly, an underrated gem from the classic iAwake library! ~ Rex D.S.
From the developer, Eric Thompson: In our 24/7, “go go go” culture, it’s important to remember that our natural biological rhythm is more of an “ebb and flow.” Releasing Meditation allows your brain and body to rest and recharge after periods of intensive meditation. Use these tracks whenever you feel a sense of “rawness” or “edginess” beginning to creep into your meditation experience, or when you feel the need to process emotional issues and energies that arise as you deepen your consciousness. Additionally, the Releasing tracks evoke the brainwave patterns scientifically correlated with deep emotional release, as in the powerful EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) method.
1 20-minute track – A shorter version of 12 Hz alpha entrainment + ASMR* + nature ambience
1 32:25-minute track – A longer version of 14 Hz Alpha entrainment + ASMR* + nature ambience
I felt a great explosion of love for myself, my family, my pets, and the world. ~ E. Z.
From the developer, Nadja Lind: For me, this music is like a safe, warm, welcoming, friendly refuge. I feel instant relief from feeling lonely, stuck, or stressed out. Then I ramp to creativity, flow, and feeling connected. Refuge is designed to relax your nervous system, so it feels like you are enveloped in a bright, warm, summery cocoon: supported, safe, joyful, and loved. The binaural entrainment guides you into an alpha brainwave state — a light meditative state similar to what you would feel if your nervous system were deprived of incoming sensory information, and allowed to focus simply on calming your thoughts.
* Induces an autonomous sensory meridian response
Solar Infusion
1 40-minute track with vibro-acoustic tones and flowing textures that elicit the shimmering of light and the experience of the sun’s warmth. – Targets alpha 8 Hz and a subdominance of theta 4Hz.
I don’t know when I’ve heard a track that silences my monkey mind so successfully. When it’s done, I am in such a wonderful deep state. ~ Heidi Mitchell
From the developer, Leigh Spusta: I’m consistently trying to come up with new track concepts, and this one just occurred to me one morning when I went outside and felt the light and warmth of the sun hitting my face and skin. Sitting there, appreciating how nice it was, I was inspired to create a track that would foster these effects, and the name came to me right away, Solar Infusion. I hope this track will infuse your meditation with inner light, fostering greater understanding, peace, and well-being.
For more information about how to use these Help! tracks, please see the individual product User Guides.
My favorite tracks are HeartWave Meditation. I consistently get into deep, clear-minded states when I listen to them. I’ve also noticed that I don’t get depressed as much anymore and if I do, it only lasts a week or two and I can still function when it arises. – Jimmy [HeartWave Meditation]
[Solar Infusion] is one of the most uplifting of all tracks available from iAwake and one of my favorites. 8 Hz is so close to the 7.83 Schumann Frequency that all the benefits Schumann is noted for are present. – Brian Romine [Solar Infusion]