One of the most effective and deepest iAwake tracks to date.   ~ Paul


Revolutionary Lambda Brainwave Meditation for Entering Transcendent Consciousness

Infinity  is a potent catalyst for spiritual evolution and a groundbreaking leap forward in brainwave entrainment where nothingness and “everythingness” converge into a seamless whole. This revolutionary program guides you into the lambda brainwave state, propelling you to new heights of transcendent consciousness, ineffable stillness, and radiant insight.

Infinity  guides you in:

  • Unlocking transcendent states of consciousness
  • Accelerating spiritual evolution
  • Raising Kundalini and opening/balancing the chakras

Blissful, stunning, heartfelt, high, and breathtaking.  ~ Christopher Worthing

Listen to the 3-Minute Samples on SoundCloud

Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience.
To fully experience the potential of these tracks, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next 3 minutes for each track.
Allow the technology and the soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of meditation.

Don’t be fooled – these are not just beautiful soundtracks – it is the design and the infused technology
that evoke the deep meditative response.

A First for iAwake Technologies

Infinity: Revolutionary Lambda Brainwave Entrainment for Entering Transcendent Consciousness  is the first time iAwake, in collaboration with Doug Prater, has targeted lambda brain waves. Our initial testing group has reported extraordinarily powerful results from their use of these tracks.

This would be the most profound of all my experiences… Quite beautiful… Loved both soundtracks, effective entrainment, beautiful audio aesthetics, choice between two versions, and range of frequencies.

~ James Lewis

The Infinity  program is an incredibly potent tool for accelerating the evolution of your consciousness. The lambda state that Infinity  targets is one that has only been observed in advanced meditators, so these tracks were designed with experienced meditators in mind.

One of the best programs iAwake’s ever done! Substantially improved my mental processing speed, attention, and memory.

~ M. H.

Most effective with headphones
Most effective with headphones
Use of sound to influence brainwave activity. Forms of brainwave entrainment might include: binaural • isochronic • monaural •  psychacoustic • panning, etc.
Use of sound to influence brainwave activity. Forms of brainwave entrainment might include: binaural • isochronic • monaural • psychacoustic • panning, etc.
Advanced meditation (100-200 Hz). Transcendence, oneness, bliss. Lambda waves emerge in the unique state where pure emptiness joins “all that is.”
Advanced meditation (100-200 Hz). Transcendence, oneness, bliss. Lambda waves emerge in the unique state where pure emptiness joins “all that is.”
The artist's brainwaves (8 to 13 Hz). Associated with creative flow • relaxed focus • stress release • presence • enhanced problem solving
The artist's brainwaves (8 to 13 Hz). Associated with creative flow • relaxed focus • stress release • presence • enhanced problem solving
For the Inner Journey (3 to 7 Hz). Associated with: insight • visualization • inner journeying • dreamwork • intuition • deep states of meditation • healing
For the Inner Journey (3 to 7 Hz). Associated with: insight • visualization • inner journeying • dreamwork • intuition • deep states of meditation • healing
Deep meditation (0.5 to 2 Hz). Associated with formless awareness • sleep • non-dual consciousness • physical healing • deep spiritual connection
Deep meditation (0.5 to 2 Hz). Associated with formless awareness • sleep • non-dual consciousness • physical healing • deep spiritual connection
Deeper than deep (below 0.5 Hz). Associated with: transcendence • oneness • bliss • deep meditation
Deeper than deep (below 0.5 Hz). Associated with: transcendence • oneness • bliss • deep meditation

Additional Info


Track Details

Two 60-minute tracks (120 minutes total)

01   Song of Infinity (60 minutes)
        Ambient music version

02   Stream of Infinity (60 minutes)
        Nature sounds – a running stream soundscape

Full package includes:

  • 2 tracks (60 minutes each for a total of 120 minutes)
  • Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
  • Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
  • User Guide (downloadable PDF)
  • Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)

About Lambda

Lambda brain waves are the fastest brain waves (100-200 Hz) that have been identified, but what is interesting is that while the frequency is very fast, it is embedded in the lowest known frequency: epsilon (<.5 Hz). Lambda is found in advanced meditators, including Tibetan monks who meditate in below freezing weather and melt the snow around them.

Lambda brain waves are associated with:
What About Lambda? A Consciousness Expanding High Frequency Brainwave State for Advanced Meditators

  • Wholeness & integration
  • Deep meditation
  • Accelerated consciousness evolution
  • A high degree of self-awareness
  • Out-of-body experiences
  • Transcendent spiritual experiences
  • Bliss & compassion
  • Highly focused attention coupled with deep stillness

The Story of the Development of Infinity  from the creator, Douglas Prater

I’ve always been fascinated by the relationship between physical brainwave states and experiential states of consciousness, and studying the topic has been my passion for nearly 17 years, with all the reading and research such a passion entails. So you can imagine my surprise when, just over a year ago, my good friend and colleague John Dupuy forwarded me a question about lambda waves…I had never heard of them.

True to form, I dove headfirst into the research, of which there was precious little. What I was able to find, though, indicated that lambda waves were the key to profound, deeply transformative mystical states. Lambda was the brain wave of transcendence. It was exactly what I had been searching for.

But, as seems to be the case with everything worth doing, creating an effective lambda track wasn’t going to be an easy process. See, I also learned that lambda wasn’t a discreet, standalone brainwave pattern, but an emergent property of the epsilon wave. Due to this unique structure, the traditional methods of brainwave entrainment, like binaural beats and isochronic tones, wouldn’t be able to reproduce the pattern’s unique waveform by simply targeting a 200 Hz lambda frequency. To create a lambda meditation track that would live up to its potential, I would need to invent a new method of entrainment.

I let the idea simmer in my subconscious for a month of two until I had the flash of insight that resulted in what I am calling Dynamic Embedded Waveform Sculpting; a new method of creating entrainment which, as the name suggests, allowed me to sculpt the “entrainment waveform” in such a way that the fast oscillations of lambda emerge from the epsilon wave. I quickly whipped up a test track, slipped on my headphones, and went deep. The resultant state was a powerful, transcendent experience. I knew I was onto something.

I spent the next several months experimenting, testing, and refining the method using “pure tones,” making the protocol as effective as possible before I began the process of creating the music and nature tracks to support the entrainment. Not only am I beyond thrilled with the results of the lambda entrainment, but the DEWS process also led to a dramatic improvement in the entrainment strength of the “ramp down” phase, meaning that the first 30 minutes of Infinity  (before the lambda phase) are an incredibly powerful meditation in their own right.

The Infinity  program – just over a year in the making – is a tool that I truly believe holds massive transformative potential, and it’s something I’m honored to share with every one of you committed to waking up, growing up, cleaning up, and showing up.

How to Use


Download the iAwake App

First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email, and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.

The Infinity  program is an incredibly potent tool for accelerating the evolution of your consciousness. The lambda state that Infinity  targets has only been observed in advanced meditators, so these tracks were designed with experienced meditators in mind. Practically speaking, this means that the entrainment is strong and the meditation is long. For best results, we recommend listening to the entire program (either Song of Infinity or Stream of Infinity) for the full 60 minutes. However, Infinity can also be paired with other iAwake programs before or after use. The key to accessing the lambda state is to enter either delta or epsilon before beginning the lambda portion of Infinity.

Infinity can be used with any meditation practice of your choice, from Samatha to Vipassana, from Centering Prayer to Raja Yoga, Metta to Shamanic exploration, and more. Doug, Infinity’s developer, has noted that the program works particularly well for Kundalini yoga, Tibetan Tantra, Taoist alchemy, Siddhas yoga, and chakra work. If you have studied any of these disciplines with a qualified instructor, you’ll find Infinity is a powerful aid to your practice.

In addition to formal meditation, Infinity is an excellent tool for consciousness exploration. Many of the program’s early users (including the developer) have noted that the tracks can elicit a strong visual response, making them a great complement to exploring subtle realms (shamanic/astral), seeking guidance, tuning into intuition, and working with shadow material.

Infinity can be used daily or alternated into your regular meditation schedule when you need an extra push to accelerate your evolution.


Lambda Rides on Epsilon

Developer Doug Prater created an innovative approach to targeting lambda by descending down through the brain waves, following the research that lambda rides on epsilon.

Song of Infinity  is a musical composition uniquely suited to deep states of meditation due to its gentle shifting and morphing of timbre, which take the listener on an evocative journey.

Stream of Infinity  uses a carefully selected palette of natural sounds including flowing streams, waterfalls, and wind for an experience that is both rejuvenating and profound.

Both Song of Infinity and Stream of Infinity  follow a carefully orchestrated and finely tuned deepening protocol that guides the meditator to the epsilon state before introducing the lambda entrainment. By firmly rooting the listener’s meditation in epsilon, the transformative experience of lambda is potentiated and amplified.

The Infinity Brain Wave Journey

Descent from 10 Hz (alpha) to 1 Hz (delta)

Descent from 1 Hz (delta) to 0.2 Hz (epsilon)

Emergence and strengthening of 200 Hz (lambda)

Peak lambda experience

Target Brain Waves

Lambda: Transcendence, oneness, bliss. Lambda waves emerge in the unique state where pure emptiness joins “all that is.”

Alpha: Relaxed focus, heightened creativity, stress-release

Theta: Deep creativity, insight, healing, intuition, access to inner guidance

Delta: Deep meditative, formless awareness, and non-dual consciousness

Epsilon: Transcendence, oneness, bliss. Epsilon waves provide the ground from which lambda waves emerge.

Entrainment Technologies

DEWS: Infinity’s  “secret sauce” is a revolutionary new entrainment technology, Dynamic Embedded Waveform Sculpting (DEWS), developed specifically for this program, artfully combined with a unique combination of entrainment techniques designed to work synergistically for a program that is both a pleasant listening experience and an incredibly potent entrainment tool.

Targeting Lambda Brain Waves in Infinity [01:36]


Douglas Prater

Douglas Prater is an author, meditator, fitness enthusiast, and musician who holds a degree in Music: Sound Recording Technology from Texas State University. Born and raised in Littleton, Colorado, Doug also spent significant periods of his life in Austin, TX, and Atlanta, GA. Always longing to return to the mountains, he now lives in the Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina.

Doug has composed and engineered brainwave entrainment audio tracks since 2010 for meditation, creative pursuits, and the attainment of peak performance flow states. He is the developer of Rainstorm SleepwaveInfinity, Stealing Flow+, Stealing Flow – Power Nap, the technology and soundtrack for The Near Death Experience: Waking Up to Life, and the technology for The Freedom of ForgivenessHe is also the producer, webmaster, and project manager of the Journey of Integral Recovery podcast. Doug is the author of the forthcoming book The Dharma of Harry Potter: A Muggle’s Guide to Buddhism (and a large catalog of fiction written under a handful of pseudonyms that he won’t tell us… we suspect he writes romance novels).

Song of Infinity: this is an interesting track, quite unlike any of your others. Using it, I feel awakened and energized at a deep, somatic level. In addition to that, I feel a deep (I want to say) calming, but not at all in the sense of a samadhi like suspension of thought & emotion. It’s more like a centering into peace within. I think this track has helped me settle into a deeper level of realization. I believe it has helped to relax some of the residual contractions that have persisted after awakening. I feel much more deeply at peace within myself, but without any anesthetization of mind. ~ Bill Epperly

Love, love, loved them. I’m still listening every day.  ~ Allyson Crockett,

With the use of the Infinity program I’ve accelerated my regular mediation practice (I’ve been an avid meditator since I was 11 years old, so for 45 years now), but with the Infinity I’ve added an additional hour to my daily mediation by listening to it mid-day. I’ve noticed increased insights that have been very supportive for my spiritual growth and even for my health. ~ Dhebi DeWitz