Intimate Awakening
Alchemical music for lovemaking to deepen intimacy, release blocks, and elevate consciousness
The potent energetic and resonant technology-infused music of Intimate Awakening stimulates sexual energy, activates natural states of shared ecstatic bliss, and escorts you and your lover to a shared state of open-hearted intimacy, deep sensuality, and access to the profound spiritual planes of euphoric alchemical sexuality.
Slowed everything down into a rhythm of greater sensuality. ~ J.M.
Listen to the 2 Samples Now
Headphones are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next several minutes. Allow the music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
Intimate Awakening can help you experience:
- deeper intimacy and a soul-level connection
- greater spontaneity
- faster arousal
- break the chains of self-limiting patterns
- easier and more numerous orgasms for women
- enhanced libido
- easier and more open communication about sexual needs and desires
- effortlessly dissolve inhibitions
- greater pleasure and mind-blowing full-body orgasms for both women and men
- deeper-self knowledge
- more authentic expression and communication
- connection to the present moment
- embodied, grounded sensory experience and heightened spiritual elevation

Additional Info
Track Details
Album 1 – Music for Lovemaking
01 Adoration (9:08)
02 Love Unbound (13:32)
03 Deeper Still (6:03)
04 Sky Dancing (16:39)
05 One Love (6:50)
06 Radiant (8:30)
Album 2 – Music for Everyday Use
01 Adoration (9:08)
02 Love Unbound (13:32)
03 Deeper Still (6:03)
04 Sky Dancing (16:39)
05 One Love (6:50)
06 Radiant (8:30)
WARNING: Do NOT use Album 1 – Music for Lovemaking while driving or engaged in any activity requiring mental alertness.
NOTE: Intimate Awakening was first published as Love Unbound.
Full package includes:
- 12 tracks (for a total of 121 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
In both Eastern and Western esoteric teachings, sacred sexuality is one of the most potent, catalytic practices for awakening. From the immense rush of physical sensation to the cultivation and circulation of energy, from the intimacy of trust and safety to the connected vulnerability of surrender and release, sexual union opens a powerful pathway to oneness.
The transmutation of our sexual energy—our very life force—can also be performed internally, without a partner, to harmonize the polarities of personality within ourselves.
Intimate Awakening helps us cultivate, open to, and skillfully direct the flow of our sexual life force energy, allowing us to awaken our dormant capacities and underutilized potentials for creativity, self-knowledge, and union with the divine. It deepens our connection with our partners, with the present moment, and opens us to ecstatic pleasure and bliss.
There is something about that music that just oozes passion. The lovemaking was so loving and adventurous!
~ Alice
But Intimate Awakening isn’t limited to sacred sexuality. It’s a catalyst for the alchemy of relationship. Within the container of alchemical relationship, we can transmute the lead of our self-limiting patterns, conditioned reactions, and emotional wounds into the gold of our highest, most open selves. Intimate Awakening opens our hearts, dissolves our blocks, and deepens our ability to understand and communicate our desires, hopes, and fears from a place of authenticity, and to listen with presence, empathy, and love. From this place of safety and connection, these tracks help us channel the heat generated by relational friction to burn out the dross of our impurities and transform the essence of our souls, moving ever closer to the bliss of divine perfection.
Intimate Awakening works to open our hearts and loosen our blocks. But that’s just the beginning. The potent energetic and resonant technology-infused music of Intimate Awakening stimulates sexual energy, activates natural states of shared ecstatic bliss, and escorts you and your lover to a shared state of open-hearted intimacy, deep sensuality, and access to the profound spiritual planes of euphoric alchemical sexuality.
Ellen’s Story
My own journey to discovering Super Sex and transcendent sexual pleasure began while I was getting my master’s degree in East-West Psychology. My personal journey catapulted me into a surprising new realm of “off-the-charts” ecstatic lovemaking.
That first experience and many more to follow were marked by a palpable, almost physical heart opening, while waves of sexual energy pulsed through us. We tapped into a state of unconditional love that goes beyond the everyday personality, along with intense sexual pleasure and a sense of being One with all that is, like the Divine expressing itself through us.
Candidly, it was so deeply fulfilling that it wasn’t even on the same chart as regular sex to measure its magnificence, and I was hooked!
Since I was in graduate school at the time, I ended up becoming one of 91 subjects in a nationwide scientific study on people who have mind-bending ecstatic sexual experiences—and I realized we were not the only ones having “off the charts” sex.
I was inspired to do my own in-depth academic and personal research on the subject, and I discovered there’s a formula that these ecstatic lovers innately knew that people having mediocre sex just didn’t know how to tap into, and that brings us to having this conversation now.
You want what I have spent over 20 years experiencing personally and supporting men and women of all ages and sexual persuasions to experience too.
Over time, I incorporated Auditory Pheromones® into my workshops, and eventually a use-at-home system called “4 Keys to Sexual Ecstasy,” to help fast-track people to ecstatic lovemaking.
I’ve only recently come to discover that this Advanced Auditory Pheromone® technology in my Intimate Awakening music CDs could stand on its own as an effortless and fun “jumpstart” to help you easily open to and share more exciting, passionate, heartfelt, and even spiritually connected lovemaking.
It’s really a first step—or a first big leap—into this realm of sexual ecstasy.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
The first set of tracks, “Music for Lovemaking,” contains the full depth and breadth of the technology, and because of its ability to relax you deeply and put you quickly into the trancelike state most suitable for uninhibited lovemaking, we don’t recommend you listen unless that state is your intention.
“Music for Lovemaking” activates your natural rhythms of euphoria and escorts you and your lover to a shared state of open-hearted intimacy and deep sensuality, inspiring new dimensions of lovemaking.
The second set of tracks, “Music for Everyday Use,” has the same tunes as “Music for Lovemaking,” but with a slightly different formula of resonant frequencies to support mental alertness and safety for everyday activities.
Like “Music for Lovemaking,” “Music for Everyday Use” promotes heart-opening and freedom from limiting patterns, so you can be more present and respond to the situation at hand with greater clarity and spontaneity. Both sets of tracks help you connect with vital life force energy while tuning into spiritual dimensions.
Many customers say they use the “Music for Everyday Use” while meditating, commuting, practicing yoga, or working at their computer, to enjoy the cumulative benefits.
Here are some things to keep in mind as you use Intimate Awakening:
- Since trust is a critical key to sexual ecstasy, we recommend that you tell your partner about this music when you’re planning to play it. That way, they won’t feel like you tricked them. You might just say you’d like to try this special music to help you relax and make sex more exciting.
- Don’t try to figure out how the music feels or is affecting you, just notice how you and your partner feel within yourselves and respond to each other.
- Intimate Awakening can intensify your experience while helping to break up patterns to assist you in accessing deeper intimacy and pleasure. If either of you feels slightly irritated or the music feels too intense (both very rare, but possible the first time you use it), breathe deeply into your belly and/or turn down the volume until it feels comfortable.
- If either or both of you feel more like stopping to discuss your relationship or sex life, go with it! This has only been reported a few times, but the couples who followed their feelings and postponed sex to speak about what was on their minds found that it greatly enhanced their lovemaking when they got back to it. After all, heartfelt communication can unleash your desire.
- DO NOT USE HEADPHONES (unless you want to!) These tracks are designed to be effective when played through speakers.
- You may find yourself resonating with some tracks more than others. Loop that special track, or create a playlist.
Good times to play “Music for LOVEMAKING”:
- While you are making love
- When you first enter your bedroom to get ready to make love (when undressing, lighting candles, taking a shower, etc.)
- As a mood enhancer and also to awaken the libido, while just hugging or cuddling on the couch or in bed, while giving a massage, or simply engaged in intimate conversation
When NOT to play “Music for LOVEMAKING”:
- Never while driving or doing anything that requires your focused attention, especially for safety reasons
- On computer speakers in the next room when you plan to have sex
- Also don’t loop the recording so that it plays all night while you sleep
REMEMBER! Never listen to “Music for Lovemaking” while driving or engaging in any kind of activity that requires your full attention.
Good times to play “Music for EVERYDAY USE”:
- Any time you want the benefits of dissolving limiting patterns and awakening your sensuality while maintaining a relaxed focus
- During conversations with your partner – especially if you want to discuss your love life
You may listen to “Music for Everyday Use” — well, everyday! It’s a wonderful way to promote heart-opening and freedom from limiting patterns while magnifying your sensuality, creativity, and joy.
Intimate Awakening: Music for Lovemaking begins in alpha and ramps down into theta, its target frequency.
Intimate Awakening: Music for Everyday Use adds some beta to the soundscape to support more everyday activities.
Our own bodily systems, like our breath, heart rate, and brain waves, naturally entrain with one another. When we slow our breathing, our heart rate will naturally slow down and our brain waves follow.
EEG research shows that when two people are in deep conversation and really feel “in sync,” their brain waves are entraining with each other’s.
We can attempt to consciously entrain with another person by breathing together. Since our eyes are like the frontal lobes of our brains, when we have prolonged eye contact, this also contributes to entrainment. By these methods, it can take at least 15 minutes to entrain with your partner (more on a faster way in a moment).
When your brain waves and body rhythms are entraining at the ideal frequency and “in sync” with your partner’s…
- You automatically feel more present
- You both feel more deeply connected on a heart-to-heart level, a soul level beyond the everyday personality
- You experience unconditional love, and
- Physical sex is more exciting, and becomes a full expression of love with a sense of spiritual union.
Why are theta brain waves the ideal predominant brainwave state for ecstatic lovemaking?
Different brain waves are useful for different functions, and different parts of your brain are typically producing brain waves of different speeds any one time. As more of your brain waves become synchronized at the same rhythm, you become more focused and present to your situation.
We often think of theta brain waves as being predominant when we are dreaming or in deep meditation. But we can also generate theta while active and awake. Waking theta (from 4-8 cycles per second) is the state of “super learning” and “super sex.”
Research shows that when you are producing more theta brain waves during lovemaking, you experience:
- heightened sensory perception and awareness of your body, which enhances your physical pleasure
- increased emotional awareness and open-hearted attunement to your lover’s needs
- deeper intimacy
- greater tolerance, understanding, and openness to self-love and love for your partner
- openness to transcendence
Ellen first studied brainwave entrainment with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, director of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research and one of the top brainwave experts in the United States. When they discussed lovemaking and brainwave states, he told her emphatically,
Theta is definitely the best state for mind-blowing orgasms!
— Dr. Jeffrey Thompson
So how do I achieve this state of synchronistic, ecstatic, mind-blowing sex?
Brainwave entrainment with external stimuli is typically the fastest way to get you into entrainment with your partner with more theta brain wave production.
The most common external stimuli for brainwave entrainment are drumming, pulsing light and sound, and specially treated music. Of course, music and sex have always been a quintessential combo.
We’ve taken the concept a big leap further by infusing music for lovemaking with Auditory Pheromones®, a precise formula of resonant frequencies, including brainwave entrainment.
What is Resonance?
Resonance is the impact of one vibration on another. When you strike a middle C tuning fork, it makes the C strings on a nearby piano sing through the principle of resonance. Likewise, the vibrations of sound waves and subtle energies have resonant effects upon each of us.
Resonance is also the frequency at which an object most naturally wants to vibrate. When frequencies resonate with natural energies in you, like spontaneous sexual expression or openhearted love, even if they have been dormant for a long time, they can wake up these energies, like the tuning fork can activate the sounds of the piano strings. This enables you to expand into and explore the richness and excitement of your vast sexual potential.
The right formula of resonant frequencies can also open the flow of energy between your sexuality, your heart, and spiritual connection. You probably won’t feel the resonant frequencies directly, you’ll simply feel more sensuous and sexual—more freely expressive, passionate, and orgasmic.
Ellen Eatough, MA, is the creator of Intimate Awakening. “The Soulful Sex Coach” and sexual healer, Ellen helped many thousands of people enjoy better sex with deeper intimacy. She is the founder and CEO of A unique aspect of her work with clients and her products and programs is the use of brainwave entrainment and subtle energies. Ellen has developed innovative technologies and methods to help people connect deeply with their spiritual source through sexuality and intimate relationships. Since 1991, she has been using vibrational frequencies, including sound, colored light, and subtle energy, to help clients release and heal from sexual and relationship trauma so they can be free to enjoy fulfilling love lives. Ellen is a certified hypnotherapist with a master’s degree in East-West Psychology (a marriage of Western psychology and Eastern spiritual traditions) from the California Institute for Integral Studies. She is also a trained practitioner in many energetic and somatic modalities.
The experience was so filling. It both gave and received itself. It enhanced and balanced both masculine and feminine qualities. ~ Scott McGreevy
I never imagined that music could be so profound. Maybe this offering was what it took to break another iceberg in my being. Whatever it is, I’m humbled into eternity. ~ Christopher Worthing MA, MPA