Playing Golf in the Zone
Tune Your Brain, Transform Your Game: A powerful audio entrainment system developed to enhance mindfulness and mind-body mastery for golfers.
Playing Golf in the Zone is a carefully selected collection of soundtracks designed to support your optimal golf game.
These tracks target specific dimensions: learning to pay attention and to quiet your mind
- releasing anxiety
- creating and imagining your optimal game
- entering and maintaining Flow
- maximizing focus and concentration
- integrating what you’ve learned
- letting go of negativity
- increasing the health and development of your brain – upgrade and optimize your mind!
CLEARLY, the combination that i used worked very well! AND: the role of my daily sessions with PGZ most certainly made a MASSIVE CONTRIBUTION to my performance. ~ Elvin Harris
Listen to the 7-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 7 minutes. Allow the nature soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just running water – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
Playing Golf in the Zone is designed to help you:
- Increase your energy and flow: Getting into the “zone” will come more easily, and your time on the course will be more engaging and powerful.
- Quiet your mind: Learn to quiet your mind’s chatter so your head is IN the game.
- Focus up: Bring a new dimension of focus and clarity to your game
- More flow: Create flow states of relaxed attention
- Recover quickly from stress: Evolve your brainwave patterns to respond with greater confidence and ease to whatever life throws at you.
- Experience easier recovery after the game: Feel less sore and more flexible.
- What Kingdom? Understand what the hell Michael Murphy was talking about…oh THAT kingdom.

Additional Info
Track Details
CD 1 Entering the Zone: Mastering the Inner Game (70 minutes)
01 Vaporizing Performance Anxiety (20 minutes)
For when you feel anxious about your round.
02 Creating the Vision from VisionQuest (15 minutes)
To help you imagine what you do when you play great… see it, feel it and hear it
03 Enter the Zone from NeuroStrength (15 minutes)
To get your mind ready for a great focus and state in your Play Box
04 Flow from Audio Chi (20 minutes)
To warm up for a round of golf to get your body, mind and emotions in a performance state
CD 2 After the Game: Clarity & Peace (70 minutes)
05 Energy & Focus from NeuroCharger 3.0 (20 minutes)
For reflection and clarity after your round
06 Cool Down & Recovery from NeuroStrength (25 minutes)
To recover and recharge your energy after your round
07 Peace from Audio Serenity (25 minutes)
For cooling down after the round and to create a calm state
Full package includes:
- 7 tracks (total of 140 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
- 2 optional CDs*
*CD orders are handled by a CD fulfillment company and shipped from fulfillment centers located in the United States. Orders outside of the United States have an estimated delivery time of 6-8 weeks.
The more we coach golfers, the more we realize the importance of being sensory-based during the execution of the shot, what we call the Play Box… If you can’t do these things, it’s very hard to be your own best coach and to master the variability of playing on the golf course.
~ Pia Nilsson & Lynn Marriott of VISION54
Mindful golf coaches, Lynn and Pia, are ranked by Golf Digest as the #1 and #2 women teachers in America. Their golf school, VISION54, has been named the #1 golf school in America. They have coached players to more than 100 professional tour victories in the US, Europe and in Asia. They have co-authored a number of books, including best selling Every Shot Must Have A Purpose, The Game Before The Game, and Play Your Best Golf Now. They have also released two VISION54 iPhone apps with exercises for any level golfer.
iAwake Technologies has partnered with VISION54 to create Playing Golf in the Zone: Tune Your Brain, Transform Your Game. This Special Edition contains seven tracks tailored specifically for golfers and other sports enthusiasts.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Every golfer knows what you do with your brain is just as important as what you do with your body. Playing Golf in the Zone literally transforms your brainwaves just by putting on your headphones. It entrains peak mind states for peak performance. It’s a cutting-edge training tool that will give YOU the edge. Perfect for golf players and anyone looking to improve their inner game for the game.
Mindfulness and Brainwaves
The Science
In advanced mindfulness and meditation practice, the human brain typically moves into very profound brainwave patterns like:
- ALPHA: The most commonly found pattern in mindfulness practice, representing a state of relaxation, calm focus and inner harmony.
- THETA: A very deep state of meditation often associated with profound relaxation, creativity and bliss.
- DELTA: An extraordinary meditative state correlated with intuition, healing, ecstasy and peace.
- GAMMA: A blissful state of compassion, inspiration and unconditional love.
A New Wave in Mindfulness Technology
iAwake Technologies is committed to bringing to the world the most effective and cutting-edge technologies for achieving and sustaining mindfulness and awareness available. As a company, we express such technologies through the use of two primary (and proprietary) modalities in our products that enhance the lives of customers worldwide:
- Brainwave Entrainment (as well as Psychoacoustic Principles)
- Biofield Technology
Our Biofield Technology
We use digitally captured energy frequencies/informational fields—recorded with advanced subtle energy technology and computer software—from numerous substances and states of consciousness, which we then amplify thousands or millions of times using a proprietary process. We use only energy/informational fields that have been thoroughly tested, and shown to impart profound physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. When played, these audio files emit an energetic field that influences the human biofield and human consciousness to induce tangible states of bliss and peace.
Our Proprietary Brainwave Entrainment
We originally birthed iAwake Technologies with the conscious intention to innovate and express Brainwave Entrainment technology toward its highest potential as a tool for healing, transformation and life optimization, and we believe we currently house the most cutting-edge entrainment products on the market today.

Eric Thompson is the creator of the iNET entrainment process, and was a co-founder and the first Chief Technology Officer of iAwake Technologies, LLC. Eric is no longer with iAwake Technologies, but he was a seminal contributor to its development and all of iAwake’s initial products, including the Profound Meditation Program 3.0.
Eric has started a new company called Subtle Energy Sciences, and writes and speaks on the intersection between neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality.
Using Vision Quest has been an amazing experience…I’ve done some journey work in the past – and I’ve never gone so fast or so deep as I have with VisionQuest. And when my journey is complete I have a piece of knowing or understanding that I didn’t have before. This is truly creating a major positive shift in my experience of life. Thank you for bringing this gift of sounds and energy into existence! ~ Karen Clayton on VisionQuest (one of the tracks in Playing Golf in the Zone)
I’ve made daily usage of Audio Chi over the last two weeks. I was very excited to try it yet skeptical about certain suggestions (like using it while muted on a smartphone for instance). Probably would have been better to not read about it and try it with no preconceptions. The first time I used it was during a walk in the woods. I felt a great sense of expansion of awareness/sense-of self and very energized as well as connected to my environment, perception slightly clearer and enhanced. I used it during many walks and though the experience on subsequent walks was less intense it certainly seemed to open me outwards and help me reconnect with my environment and my perception. ~ Owen on Audio Chi (one of the tracks in Playing Golf in the Zone)