Shortcuts to Awakening
Guided meditations with brainwave entrainment designed to fast-track you into pure awareness ...stillness ...peace.
Shortcuts to Awakening presents four guided meditations (plus a bonus) to gently guide you into the experience of being pure awareness. The effects of pure awareness can range from feelings of deep peace and love to ineffable transcendent experiences.
All the tracks “took me there” to that quiet, deep meditative space. ~ Christopher Griffin
Listen to the 3-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 3 minutes.
Allow the guidance and soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response,
along with Jonathan Robinson’s kind and experienced guidance.
Use these tracks to:
- Deepen your meditation process
- Rapidly facilitate your awakening journey
- Help you identify and experience pure awareness
- Help you to be more mindful
- Free yourself from your limiting stories
- Relieve stress
- Release negative thought loops
- Overcome physical and emotional pain
- Release from exclusive identification with your ego self
- Facilitate access to your inner, intuitive wisdom
What is Awakening? [02:56]

Additional Info
Track Details
01 Pure Awareness (19 minutes)
These tracks were the ones that allowed me to experience totally diffuse boundaries, to regain my sense Suchness, and help me accept all that is in my life currently – deep experience of non-attachment and equanimity. ~ Lisa Celentano, MA, LMHCA
02 Stillpoint (21 minutes)
The cue for “still point” and rubbing fingers together was something I brought into my daily life and used a lot outside of the meditation. ~D.R.
03 Beyond Story into Being (21 minutes)
I really enjoyed how Story Into Being keeps you ‘in the moment’. I work with coaching clients, and this is one of the things I teach them. How to not focus on the past or the future. How to move through their feelings like a baby does. Acknowledge the feeling and then let it go. This track does that. It keeps reminding you to ‘stay present’. ~ Cynthia
04 Sudden Awakening (14 minutes)
With “Direct Awakening” (Sudden Awakening) I went through a whole story of feelings, mood, awareness as well as insights. At the end (on the next day) I stood in a very good result with everything. ~ Karen Lee-Lohmann
Bonus Digital Track: 05 Pure Awareness with Silence (19 minutes)
My physical body and brain floats in feel-good bliss. Everyone deserves this meditation. ~ Abigail
Full package includes:
- 4 guided meditation tracks (total of 1 hour and 15 minutes)
- Bonus digital track: “Pure Awareness with Silence” (19 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
The Story of the Development of Shortcuts to Awakening from the creator, Jonathan Robinson
I love helping people experience deep feelings of peace, joy, and love. As a popular professional speaker, I’ve guided thousands of people in workshops in various types of guided meditations. I’ve had the chance to see what really “works” for people—and what does not. In most cases, people enjoyed and were “wowed” by guided meditations that helped to reveal the pure awareness that is the background and the foundation of all our experiences.
Since Pam and John Dupuy are friends of mine, I eventually tried out some of my meditations on them. They thought they were fantastic and wondered if I would be interested in recording them for iAwake. I said, “hell yes.” With their help editing, choosing appropriate brainwave entrainment tracks as background, and loving encouragement, the project proceeded as a labor of love.
I’m very excited to have Shortcuts to Awakening now available to everyone—-including me. With the simple push of a button or click on your computer, awakening to pure awareness has never been easier or faster!
The Story Behind Shortcuts to Awakening [02:05]
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
No Guru Needed
The experience of being pure awareness is often considered the most important result of years of meditation.
However, with the right methods and audio technology, it can be experienced rather quickly and easily.
Each of the four guided meditations in this program is designed to help you wake up, go beyond identifying with your body, emotions, and thoughts, and instead experience pure beingness.
By listening to these guided meditations, you will be opening a door to new depths of peace, love, and transcendence.
These tracks are specifically designed to help you meditate more effectively and to save you years of trying to figure out how to meditate. No guru needed.
Some key experiences people report:
Sudden Awakening
Sudden Awakening came to my rescue on several days where I was tight on time but loads of stress. The minute-by-minute experience kept me present with kind and useful advice. I appreciate the back to basics/keep it simple and straightforward approach on the many days when I’m taking it a minute at a time. This meditation is a life raft. ~ Abigail
Pure Awareness
These tracks were the ones that allowed me to experience totally diffuse boundaries, to regain my sense Suchness, and help me accept all that is in my life currently – deep experience of non-attachment and equanimity. ~ Lisa Celentano, MA, LMHCA
Stillpoint presents the best of the self-hypnosis techniques–progressive relaxation, mantras, counting down exercise. Solid and practical. Love the heart center meditation. Depth and breadth that’s invigorating. ~ Abigail
The cue for “still point” and rubbing fingers together was something I brought into my daily life and used a lot outside of the meditation. ~ DR
01 Pure Awareness (02 Deeply Theta from Deeply Theta)
Brainwaves targeted: theta 5 Hz isochronic and natural entrainment rhythms. Features 432 Hz tuning.
Developed by Leigh Spusta.
02 Stillpoint (Audio Serenity)
Brainwaves targeted: alpha and theta, also features a number of neural entrainment methodologies, including binaural and isochronic.
Developed by Eric Thompson.
03 Beyond Story into Being (03 Rejuvenation from Profound Renewal)
Brainwaves targeted: 40 Hz gamma, beta, alpha, theta – not all simultaneously but oscillating throughout the track.
Developed by Joseph Kao.
04 Sudden Awakening (02 SeaAmbiance from Schumann Holophonic)
Brainwaves targeted: alpha-theta border called the Schumann Resonance: 7.83 Hz. Includes binaural and isochronic.
Developed by Eric Thompson.
05 Pure Awareness with Silence (02 Deeply Theta from Deeply Theta)
Brainwaves targeted: theta 5 Hz isochronic and natural entrainment rhythms. Features 432 Hz tuning.
Developed by Leigh Spusta.

Jonathan Robinson, creator of Morning Ritual, Shortcuts to Awakening, and The Near Death Experience: Waking Up to Life, is a psychotherapist, peak performance coach, best-selling author of 14 books, and a professional speaker. Jonathan has made numerous appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as many other national TV talk shows, and articles about him have appeared in USA Today, Newsweek, and the Los Angeles Times. He is also the co-host of the popular podcast Awareness Explorers (iTunes and Google Play).
Jonathan is known for providing people with immediately useful information presented in a fun and entertaining manner. His website is
I’m not a huge fan of guided meditations but this one was great,
the narrative hugely contributed to the deep states I was in while listening to the tracks. ~ D.R.
This is probably the best introduction to pure awareness related practice I’ve come across, and I would highly recommend it to beginners. Wish I’d had it when I first started – it would have shaved off hours of tinkering, frustrations, and confusion… ~ S. C. “coffeegoeswild”