Solar Infusion
A psychoacoustic portal to infuse your being with light
Solar Infusion is a 40-minute psychoacoustic composition specially designed to foster the experience of moving into coherence with the essence of life-force energy, allowing you to relax deeply and attune to the highest expression of your being.
Its a very relaxing track. Feels spacious and has a dream-like quality. I am entrained to the alpha, and do feel the peaceful components! ~ Scott Marshall
Listen to the 5-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 5 minutes. Allow the ambient music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
Solar Infusion can help you:
- Move through depression and sadness
- Lighten your negative thoughts and perspectives
- Set the stage for even deeper meditation and healing
- Help release mental & emotional dross, so you can hear your intuitive wisdom voice
- Feel a powerful pick-me-up when you are tired, drained, and lacking in inspiration
- Stay centered and happy during the winter if you live in a cold clime
- Journey to a place of centeredness, compassion, and higher understanding
- Open your heart and increase feelings of joy and gratitude

Additional Info
Full package includes:
- 1 track (40 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
How Solar Infusion will help you
Solar Infusion is a 40-minute psychoacoustic composition specially designed to foster the experience of moving into coherence with the essence of life-force energy, allowing you to relax deeply and attune to the highest expression of your being.
Solar Infusion works by inducing an alpha rhythm of 8 cycles per second, by an encoded isochronic beat, to entrain the brain into low alpha waves, in the range of the Schumann Resonance, the Earth’s primary resonance.
The deep relaxation is triggered by the use of vibro-acoustic tones and flowing textures in the sound. The psycho-acoustic approach to the arrangement and harmonic spectrum of this track promote a sense of the vibrant light of the sun.
The Story of the Development of Solar Infusion from the creator, Leigh Spusta
I’m consistently trying to come up with new track concepts, and this one just occurred to me one morning when I went outside and felt the light and warmth of the sun hitting my face and skin. Sitting there, appreciating how nice it was, I was inspired to create a track that would foster these effects, and the name came to me right away, Solar Infusion.
The sun not only has obvious physical effects on the body, but there is also the life-affirming psychological aspect―the sun is a metaphor for rejuvenation, revitalization, optimal health, also illumination and light of consciousness.
How would I get this idea across to people?
I realized I could rely heavily on the psychoacoustic methodology, something that has worked very well in the past. What this means is creating textures or sounds that elicit specific responses in us, both visceral and psychological. So, listening to a track with psychoacoustic entrainment technology might cue an emotional response or a feeling in our body. People who are very good at creating film soundtracks are very aware of this process―beyond the melodic ideas, certain sounds and textures elicit certain concepts and responses, in this case, the shimmering of light and the experience of the sun’s warmth.
I thought it made the most sense to target an alpha state that was within the range of the Schumann Resonance, which is the primary planetary frequency to which all life on this planet is attuned. To me, the sun and the Schumann Resonance go hand in hand.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
The Basics
- Wear good headphones/earbuds as you listen to the tracks, whenever possible, for optimal results.
- Sit comfortably, or lie down, with your spine straight but relaxed.
- Stay hydrated before and after listening – entrainment tracks are stimulating and your body will respond best when it is hydrated properly.
Target Brainwaves: Alpha 8 Hz and a subdominance of Theta 4Hz – This track offers a combined approach to accomplish guiding the listener into the desired brainwave state and eliciting the experience of light and illumination.
Psycho-acoustic and Hypnotic Composition: Selection of musical tensions, timbre, harmonic spectrum, and tones promoting the relaxation response and the alpha state. Specific attention was paid to the use of sound textures that influence the listener in both visceral and psycho-emotional experience in accord with referencing the sun’s energy.
Isochronic Entrainment: The entire recording has been encoded in with an isochronic modulation rhythm of 8 Hz to target alpha, within the range of the Schumann Resonance, to foster a sense of being at ease and rest, in harmony with the world around us. This modulation is beneath the threshold of perception but received by the brain as a stimulus to entrain to.
Vibro-acoustic Drones: We’ve also employed the use of low frequency droning tones in order to promote a sustained sense of comfort, releasing stress from the mind and body, allowing for a deepening of relaxation and experience.
Additionally, due to the compositional method, there are naturally occurring monaural and binaural beats within this recording that further enhance the effectiveness of the recording. This track can be listened to with or without headphones for equivalent impact.

Leigh Spusta, creator of Alpha Arising, Forgetting Not to Remember, Gamma 40, Deep Delta, Deeply Theta, iAwake Mini Meditations, Solar Infusion, and the sound/entrainment tracks for Enneagram Meditations, The Gift of Gratitude – Recovery Edition, The Gift of Gratitude, Morning Ritual, Call of the Heart; In, Out & Through Vol. I; Kundalini (In, Out & Through Vol. II); and Deep Recovery, is a composer, hypnotherapist, and Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator, specializing in the use of sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.
His work has become internationally recognized and is enjoyed by thousands around the world. Leigh has worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producing a variety of therapeutic audio CDs, and has been hired as a consultant and producer working with companies in the United Kingdom. He also works with the HMI College of Hypnotherapy and the American Hypnosis Association as Director of Media Production.
Leigh combines his talents as a musician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, in an effort to pioneer new approaches to creating rich, resonant soundscapes for greater efficacy in healing and meditative products. Leigh is the developer of the proprietary PsimatiX™ therapeutic approaches and technologies.
Solar Infusion is really different from the other iAwake tracks I’ve used! I find I am drawn into it and tend to be sort of captivated just listening to it (instead of doing my usual meditation routine with the track playing in the background). There are so many unique sounds that totally hold my interest and I love the progression of it. I don’t know when I’ve heard a track that silences my monkey mind so successfully. When it’s done, I am in such a wonderful deep state, I often play HeartWave Meditation or one of the iAwake Mini Meditations afterwards, just to relish staying in the zone it puts me in and prolong the state. ~Heidi Mitchell