Sound Asleep
A deeply soothing guided meditation with embedded brainwave frequencies for restorative, sound sleep
One of the most effective things you can do to enhance your wellbeing is to improve the quality of your sleep. A good night’s sleep makes you healthier, happier, and more creative.
With Sound Asleep, hypnotherapist Joseph Kao has created a uniquely effective tool to gently lull you into the very deepest stages of sleep.
A soothing, dream-like blend of words, ocean waves, and advanced brainwave entrainment, Sound Asleep is designed to give you more peaceful, restorative sleep, night after night.
I was asleep by the end of the two tracks, right. What more could I ask for? : ) ~ Lauren K
Listen to the 5-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 5 minutes.
Allow the guidance and ambient music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – it is the integration of guidance, music, and the design and technology infused in the soundtrack
that evokes the deep state of relaxation, trust, and sleep.
Sound Asleep guides you to:
- Experience profoundly deep, sound sleep
- Quiet any mind chatter that may be keeping you from sleep
- Significantly improve the quality of your sleep over time
- Increasingly associate bedtime with a feeling of deep relaxation
- Feel deeply refreshed and restored each morning after enjoying wonderfully restful sleep
Listening to iAwake’s ‘Sound Asleep’ provides a gentle way to relax and drift off into a profoundly refreshing deep sleep. ~ J.P.
Joe Kao, creator, explains his hypnotherapeutic approach to the guided meditation in iAwake's Sound Asleep [01:50]

Additional Info
Track Details
Track one is soothing, hypnotic soundscape with embedded brainwave frequencies that guide you from the waking state into the deepest stages of sleep. As you listen, you’ll hear a slow countdown from 100, and distant, dream-like words and phrases, just on the cusp of your awareness, which subtly prime the brain for deeper sleep.
Track two contains no words at all, just rich, resonant drones, ocean waves, and pure delta brainwave frequencies – the dominant brainwaves during deep sleep.
Bonus track was a prototype version of Sound Asleep. Some of our beta testers said they wouldn’t want to be without this track, so we’ve made it available as a complimentary digital track. We suggest periodically using this track as an optional alternative, to reinforce the benefits of the main two tracks.
Full package includes:
- 2 tracks (36 minutes each for a total of 72 minutes)
- Bonus digital track (36 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
An Excerpt from the Guided Meditation
The purpose of this session… is to give you a way… to experience deeper… more restful… more restorative… sleep…
(Okay to relax and rest… now)
It’s best to use this session… whilst lying down in bed… listening with your eyes closed…
Just before… it’s time to fall sound asleep…
And you can begin now… by taking a nice… deep breath…
Hold it for a moment…
And then slowly and smoothly breathe out…
(Time now… to let go)
And allow yourself to begin to let go… inside…
And as that happens… everything within your experience… here and now… can allow you to relax… more and more… comfortably and deeply…
(You can allow yourself to settle down)
As you breathe comfortably… and settle down… inside…
(And slow down)
You can find… that with each and every number…
You can relax and rest…
(More and more deeply)
Deeper and deeper… still…
One hundred…
Okay to relax… now…
(You can relax twice as deeply)
Relax the little muscles around the eyes…
(With each and every number)
(The facial muscles can soften)
The Story of the Development of Sound Asleep from the creator, Joseph Kao
As a father of two young children, I know all too well what it’s like to be deprived of sleep for weeks at a time, and how precious a really good night’s sleep can be.
And as a hypnotherapist, I’ve seen countless people’s lives improve once they overcame the issues they were having with their sleep.
It’s often said that no matter what difficulties you may be facing, “you’ll feel better about things in the morning”. Well, once you are experiencing high-quality sleep, that turns out to be absolutely true.
After a good night’s sleep, it’s suddenly so much easier to focus, to feel cheerful and motivated, and to keep everything going on in your life in perspective.
So in 2017, I began to feel strongly drawn to create a digital program for reliably inducing deep sleep.
I wanted this to be a distillation of how I help my hypnotherapy clients to sleep more deeply, and for it to incorporate the most cutting-edge developments in brainwave entrainment technology.
My vision was to create a program of soporific sonic sorcery, where a rich tapestry of gentle words and immersive sounds would guide you, step by step, into deep, slow-wave sleep.
After many hours in the recording studio, with over six months of further testing and refinement, I arrived at a set of tracks which I believe fulfills my original aims.
My own sleep has improved significantly as I’ve been using these tracks, which itself has been a great boon, and I’m now delighted to be finally sharing Sound Asleep with the world.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
The blend of words and brainwave entrainment technology in these tracks is very potent, and we suggest that you use the principle of “less is more” when you first begin using them.
That means keeping the volume at a relatively low to moderate level, and to start by just listening to the first track, once through, for several nights in a row.
There’s no need to make any effort to fall asleep as you listen. If you just deeply relax the first few times, that’s perfectly fine.
In fact, the more you learn to deeply relax in bed, the better your sleep will become because you’ll be building a positive unconscious association between your bed and deep rest.
With the longer-term use of the tracks, you’ll tend to find that you’re falling asleep within a matter of minutes and that the quality of your sleep gets better and better over time.
Joe talks about Sound Asleep’s Brainwave Entrainment Technology [03:15]
All three tracks of Sound Asleep have a deeply immersive, multi-layered soundscape, encoded with advanced brainwave entrainment technology.
- 3D processing and gentle, rhythmic panning was applied to every element of the soundscape. This subtly encourages the brain to keep focusing on the sounds, which significantly enhances the power of the brainwave entrainment.
- There are two layers of binaural beats, phase-locked with each other for a stronger, more coherent entrainment effect.
- Isochronic sound pulses, with custom designed waveforms, are embedded in the audible sounds. These are reinforced by additional pulses at frequencies which are just outside the threshold of conscious perception (but which, according to studies on auditory processing, the brain still unconsciously responds to).
- The verbally guided tracks contain entrainment patterns which gently guide you down through the different stages of sleep.
- The entrainment begins by inducing alpha waves, associated with light relaxation and stage one sleep. It then slowly descends through theta, and eventually reaches the low delta range, which is the most restorative, healing stage of sleep.
- The music-only track is a broadband delta entrainment track, which oscillates through the complete delta range over the course of the track. This track can be played after the main verbally guided track, or it can be used as a standalone track to promote deep, delta-wave sleep.

Joseph Kao, creator of the very popular Brain Awake, Profound Releasing, Profound Renewal, Sound Asleep, Journey to the Center of the Self, and Journey to the Depths of the Soul, is a hypnotherapist and a solution-focused therapist with a private practice in Cambridge, UK.
He works as a teacher and a developer of psychotherapy training courses, and has been the head scriptwriter for over 800 professional hypnotherapy recordings.
Joseph has practiced meditation since the late 1990s, and he’s used brainwave entrainment as a core part of his practice throughout this time. He is a father of two, a keen cold-water swimmer, and he is currently exploring how theater and improv intersect with psychotherapy and personal development.
Learn more about Joseph at
Using this program I noticed that I fall asleep a lot faster, sleeping longer and more refreshing. ~ Domas Kucinskas
Very relaxing, smooth, hypnotic. I had awoken at midnight, unable to sleep. After listening I was able to sleep soundly through the night. ~ Greg