The Spark
Fractal Sound Technology for Focus & Flow
Our inquiry into how recorded sound can further facilitate the harmonious functioning of our mental, emotional, and physical systems has sparked a new sound technology called Fractal Entrainment.
Experience: the kinetic resonance of nature • relaxed alertness • ability to stay focused while you are working or studying, on the computer • mood brightening • mind over chatter • cognitive lift • energy boosting • emotional balance
These tracks are very, very good; some of the best you’ve ever produced in my opinion. The complexity of the soundscape is mesmerizing, and the effects are useful and very intriguing.
Listen to the 5-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 5 minutes.
Allow the soundtrack to support you to a relaxed yet alert state.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just crackling sounds – it is the design and technology
infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
Put your headphones on and… “belax”
Mood brightening…more presence and optimism
Mind over chatter…quiets internal dialogue and reduces worry
Energy boosting…increased stamina and endurance
Enhanced mindfulness…mixture of alertness and stillness
Cognitive lift…greater neural flexibility and power
Emotional balance…increased self-regulation and expression
Releases emotions…stimulates growth and creativity
Joy and appreciation…coherent breathing and heart rates allow us to welcome change

Additional Info
The Spark’s advanced attention grabber, brain sharpener and anxiolytic (stress reducer) protocols allow you to ride the energy of sound and practice just being in a relaxed state of acute sensory awareness – the state of “belaxation”.
The Spark is a textured sonootropic composition that ignites some of the qualities of the natural state, such as improved cognitive function and emotional regulation. Its fractal soundscape can be considered enhanced access to flow made audible and it often leaves you in an awake yet relaxed state of vivid sensory awareness.
It can also help with:
Lack of focus – Just follow the moving sounds for a noticeably sharper presence
Feeling blue – Enjoy how its dynamic stimulation can charge you with optimism.
Brain fog – Benefit from its attention-grabbing and clarity-increasing protocols
Tiredness – There’s enough energy packed here to wake you right up
Edginess – Inhabiting a more natural baseline improves physiological resilience
Anxiety – Meditate with The Spark and enjoy lower cortisol levels (stress hormone)
Insomnia – Increased flexibility might help transition between sleep phases
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
How to use it
Sound + intention = change
This piece can be listened to as part of a regular sound-assisted meditation session or just before your practice. As it uses bilateral stimulation protocols known to balance the frontal regions of the brain, this program can also help with emotional regulation and brain efficiency.
Please keep in mind that headphones and your attention are required for maximum effect.
Active listening
Sound is the vehicle, you are the rider
Meditation is really about opening up to our place, feelings and body sensations. Tasting the details of what’s here and now, whether they are comforting or painful, is a simple yet radical take on things that can induce transformation.
For sound-induced meditation sessions, we suggest you use the audio environment to anchor your attention, just bringing it back to the sounds whenever it drifts away.
Spring forward
Standing at the doors of perception
Nature is the boundless state of ever becoming – as soon as anything takes shape, it’s time to let it go. The Chinese word “Pu” refers to the state of innocence and pure potential that exists before the arising of experience – “the uncarved block”. This is our natural state -our birthright- our ability to embrace change, fully dropping our attachment to outcomes.
The experience will be unique for every listener (and every time), but generally speaking, you can expect your body-mind progressively “belaxing” and becoming clear and spacious like a winter sunny day.
These are a few simple tips that can really help you make the most of your session:
- Plan to have enough time for your session to be experienced and integrated
- Make the place comfortable and cozy (use dim lights, incense…)
- Do some light stretching combined with a few deep breaths
- Sit comfortably, with your spine straight but relaxed
- Smile and wish/ask/trust that the session might take you wherever you need to go
- Gently return to the sounds, your breath or some body part if your attention wanders
When beyond is within
Through intensive audio manipulation and an innovative use of resonance, The Spark’s juxtaposed layering of fractal sonic textures becomes as “liquid” and dynamic as the actual experience of changing our state.
Put simply, the idea that nothing stays ever the same in nature unfolds into a new sound technology which combines the application of advanced psychoacoustic principles, special recording techniques and cutting edge sound design tools.
Fractal Entrainment is inspired by the highly aesthetic and contemplative experience of witnessing how cycles occur in nature and designed to induce a unique kinetic sonic experience, able to induce the arousal of a harmonious physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.
Fractal soundscapes
to keep your attention constantly stimulated and moving, while increasing your ability to belax.
Sound is mathematics in motion and the session´s architecture is designed to allow for a more dynamic resonance to arise. Inspired by Nature, The Spark’s fine tonal and rhythmic processing techniques create irregularly regular soundscapes that are built to explore the threshold where randomness becomes coherence.
Bilateral stimulation
to optimize complex thought, emotional expression, body awareness and somatic release.
Specific excursion rates known to balance the frontal lobes are arranged three-dimensionally for a more immersive effect. Might help alleviation of PTSD.
Colored Noise
for a unique belaxing yet attention-grabbing soundscape
A mixture of natural impulse noise layers featuring binaural recordings of fire and sparkler sounds, together with fractal additive synthesis techniques -these are proprietary dynamic power spectral densities and overtones designed to resonate to the specific vibrations of the golden mean proportion, nature’s main harmonic energy signature, found by researchers to be associated with the beneficial spiking of nitric oxide.
Infrasonic tones
Ultra-deep frequencies for a calming and flow-inducing session which may increase vitality, strengthen the immune system and have direct healing benefits.
Infrasound technology is used to treat pain, inflammation and swelling and it´s remarkably useful in healing muscles of race horses. The inclusion of low frequency sound provides a more tactile (kinesthetic) kind of entrainment, similar to a sound massage. It is speculated that infrasonic sound may be one aspect of Qi (as observed during the low-level energy emissions of qigong healers), and that it’s something all humans and some animals produce – the most famous example is the cat’s purr and its alleged self-healing properties.
Spiritual harmonics
for a wider perspective based on a gentle mind quieting and a pleasant cognitive enhancement.
Extremely low amplitude, proprietary spectral harmonic energy blends masked by colored noise and mixed so they hover just below the threshold of awareness
for an immersive, three-dimensional sonic stimulation experience
Form follows energy and we have translated this natural design principle into acoustics through a unique and complex layering of geometric swirling shapes that have been binaurally recorded and geometrically engineered.

Javi Otero is the creator of The Spark and the technology for World Kirtan, iAwake’s previous Chief Technology Officer, experiential practitioner supporter, and good friend. His products represent a new experiment in brainwave entrainment called fractal entrainment – complex, innovative, and ever-changing sonic scenes to infuse states of natural resonance.
He is an artist (poet, photographer, musician, composer, recording artist), acoustic stimulation researcher, sound engineer and inventor currently exploring and developing new fractal stimulation protocols. His main research focus is on how to further harvest the transformative power of sound energy and resonance. His regular practice involves cold water, breathing and stretching (Yin•Yang Yoga), subtle energy entrainment, meditation, gratitude, improvisation, photography, video, poetry, sound, and music. His work outside iAwake blends art and research, and he belongs to various projects and groups including an international research team dedicated to health and well-being applications of whole-systems modeling in which he is making geometric processes audible, using sound purely as mathematics in motion.
‘Vast, three dimensional soundscape’
The progressive complexity of the soundscape and its vast, three dimensional nature did make for some unusually complex experiences.
I’ve started thinking of this as my mood polisher… Very long lasting cognitive enhancement after finishing the track, and seems to be cumulative.
‘Immersive and effective, very relaxing’
I’ve used other techniques that use bilateral audio stimulation (BrainSpotting and EMDR, for example), but this is so much more complex and interesting than anything I’ve come across, and its much more immersive and effective. Very relaxing and restful to just let go and get lost in the sounds…