A Conversation with Eric Brown of Chrysallis – 4.16.14

In this teleseminar, John Dupuy is joined by Eric Brown, head of Business Development for the Chrysallis Project. They have recently launched the Chrysallis Super App, which is a metasupport for whatever kind of transformation one is trying to achieve in one’s life, based on the Integral map. The Chrysallis app also contains a pathway called the Profound Meditation, which includes three extremely powerful iAwake Technologies tracks. Check out this link for more information on this historic launch and what could possibly be a quantum leap ahead in transformational technology.

Below is more information about Eric Brown:

Eric Brown, head of Business Development – Fond of saying that “the Chrysallis tractor beam was just too strong…”, Eric’s interest is in supporting founding teams creating technologies, products and services designed to improve the quality of people’s lives. Outside of his professional ventures, Eric captures as many days on his road bike, skis and in his running shoes as possible.

Some questions in this teleseminar include:

  • “There are a lot of biofeedback devices coming out. They’re hooked up to apps, that kind of thing. Is that something you guys are working with or intend to? Thoughts on that?”
  • “You’re talking about how Chrysallis could actually develop the path. So, you’re saying that if – let’s say I’m a hypnotherapist and I want to develop a particular mini-app program, I could contact you and you might help me develop that?”
  • “Does setting an intention before listening to an iAwake track have any effect or is it automatic?”
  • “Is there an easy way to get a chart of what CDs have biofield and which have brain entrainment? Which with both? Which need headphones? I get confused with all the manuals.”


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