First Things First – 5.29.13
In this teleseminar, John Dupuy, along with Pam Dupuy, give various tips for those who are just starting out on their Profound Meditation Program journey.
Some of the questions in this teleseminar include:
- (A long-time meditator with a regular practice is experiencing a resistance to meditation due to strong feelings that surface) “Should I just grin and bear it and just do the meditation anyway?”
- “If any of the reactions do start to manifest in a physiological way like clenched teeth and you want to modulate that for a quick intervention, are the releasing tracks the best? Or is something else the best?”
- “I did notice from the sample that there was a lot of body clenching and I wondered how much of that was benign, at what point I should intervene to soften it, and with what?”
- “How are the release tracks labeled? How do they show up on the downloads?”
- “I was going to order the NeuroStrength set. I understand that the program is divided into pre-workout, during workout, and post-workout. Can you give me more specifics about that? For example, I read on your site that the headset should be of a higher quality than earplugs, although I see a picture of somebody working out with earplugs on your site looking like he’s listening to the program. I want to be able to get full advantage of the program.”