A Conversation with Listeners – 8.17.16
Javi Otero, the CTO of iAwake Technologies, conducted this week’s call in place of John Dupuy who is currently travelling. He asked the listeners to discuss about their practice, the tracks they are using, as well as any tips and insights.
Some questions and comments in this coaching call:
- “I was gravely, seriously ill with brain injury, bedridden and couldn’t speak. Neurological problems were severe – I couldn’t sit upright even. My mind was still clear – I was writing and typing. So, the first time I tried was actually several years ago and I couldn’t tolerate it, but I could sense that they were powerful and there was a time and place for them. My healing was just not at a place where I could use them, but I have revisited them several times over the last several years as I have gotten up out of bed and able to walk again and talk. I just recently started using them again, and this time, I could use them more successfully than ever before. First few times that I tried it was way too over stimulating to the point where I knew it was not a good idea to try again for several months to a year. Now, I am using them somewhat regularly, but I am sticking with the HeartWave Meditation because the more heavy binaural beats–well, that’ not true, I have been using some of the binaural beats too, but much less, like 5 minutes at a time. So, HeartWave Meditation, I could use longer and it’s clearly phenomenally helpful, but it’s also very overwhelming. It seems to raise dopamine levels to a point where I can get very agitated. However, my healing journey has been all natural, so in conjunction with detox, it’s really moving things along faster than ever.”
- “My wife and I and my daughter have been through critical situation and we’re totally turned upside down right now. We had to leave our home in Costa Rica and I went to the state of Maine because my mother passed away and my wife had gone to Arizona because my daughter was in a hospital in Tucson, in critical situation, and then she was moved to Phoenix, and a couple weeks ago she had a double lung transplant. My daughter, although she is doing well, she is in a very delicate situation. My world has been turned upside down, and we happen to deal a lot of stress as a result of our situation. I’m finding that I’m meditating quite a bit as often as I can just to help to relieve the stress. I have been using Reasonance a lot and I’m finding that it helps immeasurably as long as I stick to somewhat of a regimen and listen to that. And also, even though yesterday, I sent it to plug my daughter into PMP 1.1, however, the pain medication got there before the PMP did. So, I don’t know how effective it was for her, but I am certainly considering helping my daughter along. Assisting her with doing more meditation to help her body to rebound because I can say that a double lung transfer that affects your whole body and it’s very difficult. So, we are doing what we can and I want you to now that we find your programs to be extremely effective. I love Reasonance, so I want to let you know personally about that.”
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