Colette Baron-Reid
Colette Baron-Reid, creator of Energy Flows, is an internationally acclaimed Oracle expert, thought leader, and speaker in the personal transformation space. With over 30 years of experience as an Oracle & intuition expert, Colette’s greatest joy is teaching people they can have a direct and personal dialogue with the Universe to help them create their best lives. She’s a best-selling author of multiple life-changing books including The Map, published in 27 languages. Her popular meditation apps and Oracle Card decks are worldwide hits, and she was the star of the hit TV series “Messages from Spirit” and the highly popular Hay House call-in radio show “Ask the Oracle.” Colette is also the founder and creator of Oracle School – where people learn to transform their lives using Oracle Cards as a guidance system. Colette splits her time between the USA and Canada with her husband and three adorable Pomeranians.