The Power of the Vision Quest: Workshop with John Dupuy & Dr. Bob Weathers
Vision Quest guide John Dupuy and addiction expert, author, and recovery coach Dr. Bob Weathers share their passion for and expertise in helping others find their deepest purpose and follow the path they were born to follow using the Vision Quest as the means to get there. John tells us the universe is eager to respond to our yearning, if we only reach out and ask the right questions with heroic intention, and explains how healing our brokenness can become the portal to walking the sacred path of our life’s mission. Dr. Bob describes the life transforming and soul nourishing power of forgiveness and gratitude practices, and relates from vast experience how cultivating spirituality, seeking a vision, is really the only way to get beyond our addictions and add depth to our lives.
In a traditional Vision Quest, questers enter deep, altered states in order to hear their inner wisdom voice and obtain Great Spirit’s guidance. In this high-tech era, it is possible to access similar deep states with the help of brainwave entrainment sound technology, quickly and relatively easily. John stumbled into this knowledge, being both CEO of a brainwave entrainment tech company and a Vision Quest guide—thus the birth of the Virtual Vision Quest! So, if you are interested in walking a more compassionate, sacred, and wise path on this Earth, you’ll find great inspiration and a lot of good information on vision questing in the 21st century in this lively, warm, illuminating, and candid conversation with two spiritual practice pros. If you want to take it a step further, enroll in iAwake’s 5-Day Virtual Vision Quest, taking place August 23 – August 27, 2023.
“The Vision Quest begins the moment you decide you’re going to do it.”
Topics & Time Stamps
- iAwake’s Louie Santos welcomes participants and lines out what will transpire in the workshop (00:10)
- Introducing addiction educator, author, recovery coach & iAwake guided meditation creator, Dr. Bob Weathers (02:40)
- Introducing iAwake’s CEO and Vision Quest guide John Dupuy (03:40)
- Bob shares a Rumi poem, “Let the Beauty We Love Be What We Do” (05:48)
- How the Virtual Vision Quest got started and John’s experience guiding Vision Quests in the wilderness (07:45)
- Traditional roots of the Vision Quest (09:54)
- The story of the Holy Grail and the importance of asking the right question (10:54)
- Who and what are we at the deepest, most profound level? (14:47)
- John’s call to do his first Vision Quest, and how that vision led to helping others do their own quests (17:34)
- The first iterations of the Virtual Vision Quest using brainwave entrainment technology (19:46)
- A vision is absolutely necessary to sustain sobriety: we need spirituality to supplant our addictions and give depth to our lives (21:19)
- Vision questing is like a spiritual detective story (26:17)
- What happens during a 5-Day Virtual Vision Quest? Healing our brokenness and hearing our inner voice (28:34)
- How do we do a Vision Quest at home? (32:55)
- Is using brainwave entrainment to access deeper brainwave states cheating? (35:31)
- How Bob’s forgiveness and gratitude practices (and his iAwake guided meditations) integrate with cultivating spirituality and vision questing (38:26)
- How Carl Jung illustrated the importance of “cleaning our mirrors” in order to see more clearly (45:54)
- Louie announces that enrollment for the 5-Day Virtual Vision Quest is now open, and the Medicine Question: What am I here to learn right now? (47:40)
- Q&A (48:45)
- How long do the daily VVQ sessions last?
- Is everything recorded if I can’t make some of the sessions?
- If people own the iAwake tracks already, will iAwake send other tracks?
- What is John’s relationship with Integral Life?
- Is this a Christian approach to vision questing?
- If I practice with Profound Meditation Program 3.0 already, should I back off during the VVQ?
- Is being Integrally informed a prerequisite for the VVQ?
- Is the VVQ appropriate if I’m a humanist?
- What will happen on Day 1 of the Virtual Vision Quest? (59:15)
- How should I prepare if I want to do a Vision Quest tomorrow at home? (1:01:30)
- Dr. Bob is available to take on new clients, (1:06:02)
- Short summary of what happens in the 5-Day Virtual Vision Quest (1:07:30)
- iAwake’s 5-Day Virtual Vision Quest, beginning August 23rd, 2023
- The Book of the Vision Quest by Steven Foster and Meredith Little
- Dr. Bob’s website:

John Dupuy is CEO of iAwake Technologies, co-host of the Deep Transformation: Self-Society-Spirit podcast, and founder of Integral Recovery®. His book, Integral Recovery: A Revolutionary Approach to the Treatment of Alcoholism and Addiction, won the 2013 USA Best Book Award. John travels internationally to teach and inspire on the subjects of Integral Recovery, Integral Transformative Practice, and the use of brainwave entrainment technology to deepen one’s meditation practice and in the treatment of addiction, depression, and PTSD.

A highly regarded recovery coach, public speaker, staff trainer, business consultant, as well as author and educator, Dr. Bob Weathers holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, with an M.A. in religious studies. Over the course of his professional career, “Dr. Bob” has provided tens of thousands of hours of therapeutic counseling and recovery coaching, working collaboratively with his countless, satisfied clients. He has also committed the past 35 years to teaching, training, and inspiring hundreds of graduate-level mental health providers at several southern California universities. Visit Bob at
This blog was created by Heidi Mitchell, John Dupuy’s longtime assistant and project manager/editor of the Deep Transformation: Self-Society-Spirit podcast. John introduced Heidi to Integral practice and sound tech-enhanced meditation in 2007. Heidi is also a freelance editor of nonfiction books, blogs, and websites. She can be reached at
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