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Meditation Room

Click the ► Play Now button to open YouTube and view the replay of the WeAwake session on July 24, 2024.

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WeAwake session starts in


at exactly 12PM Eastern Time.

This week's meditation is the 25-minute track of 02 Re-enchantment (theta): The End of the Exile

The End of the Exile

Re-enchantment  consists of three tracks, artfully designed to lead us into states of increased presence and relaxation as we listen to the calming ambient drone sounds and drop into ever deeper brainwave states. These tracks create a spaciousness within which we can focus on our inner voice, inner body, inner awareness, and aliveness.


“Somehow, listening to these tracks feels purifying. Perhaps this is because my mind chatter does reduce. It’s as though mind chatter is mental pollution and toxicity and these tracks are cleansing and nourishing, restoring the intended sacred balance. These tracks remind that there is never any reason to feel stuck, our own reinvention is at hand if we can remember to allow ourselves to access the ‘beyond within.’ This product has proven for me to be an answer to something I was waiting for. It’s like purchasing something you never knew you needed until you experienced it!!!”  – Lisa Celentano, MA, LMHC

Receive 25% OFF on Re-enchantment  by using the promotional code  WEAWAKE  upon checkout:

*Coupon is valid until Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at MIDNIGHT - US MOUNTAIN Only.

Mirror and Face

We are the mirror as well as the face in it.
We are tasting the taste this minute
of eternity. We are pain
and what cures pain, both.

We are the sweet cold water
and the jar that pours.

~ from Coleman Barks' A Year with Rumi